Michael Jackson Message Boards

Here you will find links to many various message boards concerning Michael Jackson. If you have a message board that doesn't appear here, please E-mail me and I will include it.

Boards that have a next to it have the most amount of discussions.

Message Boards

Michael Boards Lisa / Elvis Boards Janet Boards

Michael Jackson Boards

The Moonwalker Message Board
This site's own Message Board

In the Closet Message Board
Fantasies about MJ

Write your stories here
Another stories message board

Michael Jackson Stories

The Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson Board
Red's LMP and MJ Board

The MJIFC Message Board

2300 Jackson Street Message Board
A board for the WHOLE Jackson family

Michael Jackson Internet Fan Club Message Board

The Jacksons DownUnder Fan Club Message Board
Hosted by the DownUnder Fan Club

Michael Jackson - stories about the man we love!

Michael Jackson: The King Of Music Messageboard

MJ & Lisa & Janet

Donna's Michael Jackson Message Board
Froms Donna's MJ Page

Naughty Wives and news About Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson....MAGIC Message Board
Discussion about MJ

The Master of Music Message Board
From the Master of Music Web Site

The Michael Jackson Message Board
Discussion about MJ

SuperFly Sister Message Board
Discussion about MJ


MJ: King of Pop!!!

The KOP Message Board
The KOP Web Site's Message Board

The KOP Discussion

The New KOP Discussion Board - Ezboard.com

MJ - The Sex God

The Positive Michael Jackson, Family and Friends Board


NEW Michael Wire - Ezboard.com

Michael Jackson Pictures Message Board
A board for posting pictures of MJ

The Doodoo's Private Page Message Board

Let's Talk Michael Jackson

The KING of music Message Board

Expressions of Fantasy, Respect, Inspiration, and Love to Michael Jackson!

Michael Obsession Board
For fans to discuss there obsessions over MJ

Michael Jackson - stories about the man we love!



The Michael Jackson Debate Board
For Debates about MJ

MJJ Online Message Board

Jackson Market
Sell, Buy, or Trade material about the Jacksons

The German Michael Joseph Jackson Message Board
The Message Board for German-Speaking MJ Fans

Michael Jackson is sweeter than honey

MJ Central Weekly Opinion Message Board

On The Line With Michael Jackson - EZ Board

Michael Boards Lisa / Elvis Boards Janet Boards

Lisa Message Boards

The New Lisa Posse - EZBoard
An open discussion about Lisa

Stacy's New Presley Family Board - EZ Board
A board about Elvis and Lisa Marie Presley

The Lisa Posse

Stacy's Presley Family Board

The Lisa Marie Message Board
Discussions about Lisa Marie Presley

The Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson Board
Red's LMP and MJ Board

Let's Discuss Lisa Marie Presley

LMP Opinion Board

The wonderfull Lisa Presley
Katy's LMP Board

Lovely Lisa
Frances' message board

The Presley Myth- The Q & A board
Tish's board

Presley'§ Pa§§ion

MJ & Lisa & Janet

Lisa Marie Presley Board
Hoju's LMP Board

LMP Board

Elvis And Lisa Marie Message Board

Naughty Wives and news About Michael Jackson

Michael Boards Lisa / Elvis Boards Janet Boards

Janet Boards

janet jackson - Phenomenal Woman
For discussions about Janet Jackson

JANET Talk - EZ Board

Janet Talk

Michael Boards Lisa / Elvis Boards Janet Boards


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