Michael Jackson Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



Who is the "Mystery Girl" who sings on "In the Closet"?

Princess Stephanie of Monaco, according to Black & White and MTV Australia. Michael confirmed this while speaking with fans in Gstaad in 1993.

In an interview on British TV, Madonna revealed that she was the original choice to be the Mystery Girl. When Michael asked her to do a duet, she agreed, and he played a preliminary version of the song for her. She asked him if he knew what the title meant, and he said he did. Not realizing the joke, she found this very unexpected and intriguing of Michael and went home and wrote more lyrics in the spirit of the title. He didn't like the new lyrics, so they ended up not doing the song together. Princess Stephanie took over.

Does Michael play any instruments?

Jennifer Batten, MJ's guitarist on the Bad and Dangerous tours, told a club member in Holland that Michael plays about every instrument used in modern music, including drums, percussion, keyboards, piano, guitar, and bass. He is credited on the HIStory album for playing keyboards, synthesizer, drums and percussion, and guitar.

How does Michael compose his songs?

MJ explained his composing process on the June 7, 1995 "Prime Time Live" special "Michael Jackson: The Man and His Music", on the videotaped deposition he gave for the "Thriller"/"The Girl is Mine"/"We Are the World" copyright lawsuit, during his testimony in the "Dangerous" copyright lawsuit, and for the Internet Chat. He does not read or write music, so he sings the melody and vocally imitates the bassline, strings, and other parts into a tape recorder. As he said in the Internet Chat, "The process is creating a vocal rhythm to a click track -- which is a sound, a timed beat. And you're doing these mouth sounds to that beat. These sounds can be looped according to how you sample it in the computer again and again. This is your foundation for the entire track -- everything plays off this. It's the rhythm, like the beatbox rhythm. Every song I've written since I was very little I've done that way. I still do it that way." Also, as guitarist David Williams related in Rolling Stone in 1992, at times MJ sings the sounds directly to the musicians, and when they accurately reproduce his ideas, this is recorded. The tape is then turned over to others who transcribe the notes onto staff sheets.

How many songs has Michael written, including the ones that have not been released?

According to his testimony in the "Dangerous" copyright lawsuit, he has written a few hundred songs.

Can you tell me about a song and video called "Is This Scary" that were supposed to be on HIStory?

"Is This Scary" was originally recorded for the soundtrack of "Addams Family Values", the sequel to the "Addams Family" movie. Michael ended up not doing the soundtrack after all because of a contract dispute. The song, produced by Teddy Riley in the New Jack Swing style, was originally set to be included on HIStory but was dropped because it had too strong of a New Jack style and didn't fit with the other songs on the album. However, it was resurrected for limited release in the US in Fall 1996 as part of the new 35-minute film "Ghost".

The video, scripted by horror writer Stephen King, has MJ as a stranger who moves into a house in a small town. He befriends the town's children, but incurs hostility and fear in the adults, who find him strange. They eventually decide to band together and drive him out of town and show up in a mob outside his house, crying, "Stop frightening our children!" The children, who are not scared of him, do not take part in the raid. The mob shouts and smashes the windows until Michael comes out of the house. Then silence falls as he faces the crowd. The music begins and he performs the title song, with startling special effects. Originally scripted before the allegations. (from Black & White)

What is the story behind the Steeltown recording "Big Boy"?

In the 1960s, the Jackson 5 won Gary, Indiana's first city-wide talent show and were signed to Steeltown Records. In 1967, they recorded an album at Steeltown that was never released. In 1968, the single "Big Boy" from this album was a minor hit in the Chicago area. In 1994, record executive Ben Brown claimed to have rediscovered the original tapes of "Big Boy" in his mother's pantry. Through a New York City label called Inverted, he remastered and re-released more than 250,000 limited-edition, gold-plated copies of the single. However, Brown's re-release bears a strong resemblance to the remixed recording released by Gordon Keith on the SDEG label in 1989, and the sound quality is poor. On the original Steeltown recording, Michael's lead vocals come through loud and clear, but on Brown's reissue, they are obscured by overdubs. (from VOA, Jackson 5 Magazine)

Is there an MJ single called "Someone Put Your Hand Out" that was never released on any album?

The single was released in Europe and Asia in 1992 as part of the Pepsi Promo Pack associated with the Dangerous Tour. Side A contains the song and Side B has a medley of songs from the Dangerous album. Fans could obtain the single either by buying a certain amount of Pepsi or through promotional giveaways at radio stations. A short instrumental version of the song was played during the Dangerous concerts just before the start of "Heal the World". A few of the original cassettes may still be found for about $40 at record shows and specialty shops, and copies are available from CD Europe for $11.95.

What is the theme song that Michael wrote for Siegfried and Roy?

It is called "The Mind Is Magic", written and performed by Michael Jackson and arranged by MJ and Bryan Loren. Since April 1995, it has been available on the Siegfried and Roy CD "Dreams and Illusions" on the Edel Company label. It can be purchased in record stores in Europe and at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada for $16.

What is the text of the greeting to fans on Disc 1 of the limited edition of HIStory? Where was it released?

"Hi, this is Michael Jackson. I want to thank all of my fans in [country] for their continuing love and support over all the years. I hope to come and visit you all very, very soon and perform for you. I look forward to seeing you very soon. Until then, good bye. I love you all. Good bye."

It was released in Germany, Holland, France, and Canada.

Who is "Dom Sheldon" from the song "D.S."?

Michael has never revealed the identity of the person targeted in the song, if he is real. However, many think that the song refers to Santa Barbara County District Attorney Thomas Sneddon, who with Los Angeles County District Attorney Gilbert Garcetti headed the 1993-1994 investigations into the child-molestation allegations. They point to the fact that it does not sound as if MJ is saying "Dom Sheldon" in the song, but he could be saying "Tom Sneddon". However, the pronunciation is indistinct, and MJ could just as well be singing "Dom Stanton" or "Tom Stephan", as a NY Times reviewer of HIStory thought. When Tom Sneddon was asked how he felt about the tune, he declined to have the lyrics read to him or to listen to the song, but laughed, saying that he didn't care what Michael Jackson said or did. He went on to say that he was proud of the job he and others had done on the investigation, and if asked, he would always answer that. He also expressed no interest in a lawsuit. (from clari.living.music)

Is there an MJ single called "My Love 4 Kids Is True"?

It's an illegal bootleg CD with remixes. There are many illegal Michael Jackson recordings. One good idea to remember is that Michael Jackson has never released a solo LIVE recording in his career. Any live recording of Mr. Jackson is a bootleg recording and thus illegal.

What classical music has MJ used in his tours and recordings?

"O Fortuna" from the section "Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi" (Fortune, Empress of the World) of Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana" forms the introduction to "Dangerous: The Short Films" and was used at the beginning of nearly all the Dangerous concerts.

"Will You Be There"/Dangerous
Symphony No. 9 in D minor Opus 125: presto (Ode to Joy)
composed by Ludwig van Beethoven
Cleveland Orchestra Chorus, director Robert Shaw
Cleveland Orchestra, conductor George Szell
The "Ode to Joy" is the anthem of the European Union.

"Pictures at an Exhibition"
composed by Modeste Mussorgsky
arranged by Maurice Ravel
Philadelphia Orchestra

"Beethoven Lives Upstairs"
from Susan Hammond's Classical Kids
The Children's Group, Inc.

"Little Susie"/HIStory
Requiem Opus 9, "Pie Jesu"
composed by Maurice Durufle'
Atlanta Symphony and Chorus, director Robert Shaw

(from Dangerous: TSF and the Dangerous and HIStory song booklets)

Will HIStory be Michael's last album? I noticed the full title of HIStory is "HIStory - Past, Present & Future - Book 1." Does this mean there will be a Book 2?

During the Internet Chat, MJ said of HIStory: "I am not sure. This might be my last album I ever do. I will always create music but am not sure if I'll create another album." However, he is due to release an EP called "Blood on the Dancefloor" in April 1997.

There are no announced plans for a HIStory Book 2.

Why was the spoken intro by MJ taken out of the track "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" on the Bad album and Disc 1 of HIStory?

When Bad was first released in 1987, this spoken introduction was present:

"I just wanna lay next to you for a while.
You look so beautiful tonight.
Your eyes are so lovely, your mouth is so sweet.
A lot of people misunderstand me, that's because they don't know me at all.
I just wanna touch you, and hold you.
I need you. God I need you.
I love you so much."

For later editions of Bad and for the HIStory album, they used the masters tapes, which do not contain the introduction.

What does "mama se mama sa ma ma coo sa" from "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" mean?

Nothing. It is a chant in the style of songs in Cameroon, where the "words" are used for the sound effect, not a particular meaning. (from Rolling Stone)

Where can I find "We Are Here to Change the World", from "Captain Eo"?

Unfortunately, it's not on any album and has not been released as a single.

Videos and Movies

What happened to the "They Don't Care About Us" video?

There were two videos made for the song "They Don't Care About Us". One was shot in Brazil, and the other was a prison version shot in New York. Both were directed by Spike Lee. In the United States, the videos were banned by MTV and VH-1, not because of their content, but because of the controversy surrounding the lyrics. In both versions, Michael deleted the original lyrics with sound effects so they could not be heard. The Brazil version of the video showed Michael dancing and singing with the citizens of the town it was shot in -- accompanying him were over 200 members of the Brazilian percussion group, "Olodum". The prison version catered more to the meaning of the song, with graphic news footage of the violence around the world, and Michael portrayed as an angry prison inmate upset about all the injustices in the world. More information regarding the lyrics controversy can be found further down the FAQ in the Controversies section, while a fan's point of view can be found in the Speaking Out section off the main menu page of this homepage.

What does the girl say at the beginning of the Brazilian version of "They Don't Care About Us"?

"Eles nao ligam pra gente", or "They don't care about people" in Portuguese.

How does Michael do the 45-degree lean in "Smooth Criminal"?

It was observed on videotape of the Bucharest concert that when he performed the song on the Dangerous Tour, little metal hooks popped up through the stage, and the dancers anchored their heels onto these studs to allow them to complete the maneuver. In order to distract the audience's attention from what they were doing, another dancer came on stage with a bomb. How the move was accomplished for the video clip is unknown.

What is the meaning of the section about 3/4 of the way through the long-form video of "Smooth Criminal" where the music stops, and MJ and the other dancers are making groaning and screaming noises as the music builds up to the chorus?

A video clip from behind the scenes during the making of "Smooth Criminal" shows Michael talking to the director on the set about the "groaning" scene. He explains that he wants the feeling to build and build until everyone's voice reaches a climax. He says, "It's gotta have that feeling, gotta have that emotion." He shows the director how he wants the dancers to put more of their bodies into the scene.

What is the meaning of the Panther Sequence in the "Black or White" video?

Click here to see the Interpretations section.

Why do some versions of the end of the Panther Sequence in the "Black or White" video show racist graffiti on the car and store windows, but others don't?

In the original cable-music broadcast version of the video from November 1991, there was no graffiti at the end of the Panther Sequence. Because of controversy over its sexuality and violence, the Panther Sequence was removed from the broadcast versions of the video a few days after it was released. Then, when the Dangerous video collection appeared on the market, the Panther Sequence was put back, but a new ending with racist graffiti on the car and shop windows was substituted. Later, the original broadcast version of the ending was restored for the HIStory video collection.

Is there a video for "Human Nature" or "Liberian Girl"?

There is no actual video for "Human Nature", just a recreation for the "Moonwalker" film. It is animated in very pale colors and shows Michael wandering through the streets.

There was a video for "Liberian Girl", and details on this video can be found in the Videography section, along with information on all the videos/short films Michael Jackson has done.

What is the videotape "Michael Jackson: Unauthorized"?

It is a bootleg. In 1984, Michael hired cameraman Steven Howell to make the videotape for MJ's own private collection. It shows Michael, relaxed and informal, speaking about future projects and singing songs with sister LaToya. The sound quality is poor, with Michael's voice muffled by the noise of a nearby water fountain. The cameraman secretly copied it and began selling it without permission. In December 1989, the now-defunct US tabloid TV program "A Current Affair" broadcast parts of the video, prompting a protest from MJ's representatives. In the early 1990s, the videotape and a CD with the audio portion of the interview ("Michael Jackson: The Interview") were manufactured and sold by several companies from Europe to Canada. Michael filed suit against Howell and won in 1994, forcing a halt to production of the tape. It is therefore illegal to distribute the tape or any audio recordings made from it. (from club members, A Visual Documentary)

On "The Legend Continues" video collection, Michael sings "When You Wish Upon a Star". When did he record this?

"When You Wish Upon a Star" was performed by Michael in a Disney special broadcast on US television in 1979-1981.

What is the name of the old Fred Astaire movie that inspired parts of Michael's videos and lyrics?

"The Band Wagon". If you watch the entire movie (it is out on video), you will see a lot of familiar things, including parts of "Billie Jean" and the speakeasy set and costume that inspired "Smooth Criminal". Also, MJ incorporated some of the lines into the "Dangerous" lyrics.

Is MJ supposed to appear in a movie called "Cats Don't Dance"?

MJ was to lend his voice to this $50 million David Kirschner animated film, which concerns the film stars of the 1930s. There has been little recent word on this film, however. (from Black & White)

Has Disney removed "Captain Eo" from its theme parks?

At Disney World in Florida, USA, "Captain Eo" was replaced by a new feature called "Honey, I Shrunk The Audience", based on the Disney movie "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" and will be replaced by this feature at Disneyland in Anaheim, California in March 1997. "Captain Eo" was removed not because of the allegations, but because the technology had gotten old, and they wanted a new production to keep up with 3-D shows at other amusement parks. "Captain Eo" remains at at Eurodisney in Paris, France, and at Disneyland Tokyo, Japan.


Who is signed to Michael's label, MJJ Records?

  • Brownstone - a trio of African-American women from Boston, MA; their critically praised debut album "From the Bottom Up" has been certified Platinum in the US.
  • 3T - Michael's nephews Taj, Taryll, and T.J., all sons of Tito and DeeDee Jackson; their debut album is "Brotherhood".
  • Quo - a rap duo of one young man from Australia and one from Los Angeles, both about 13 years old; their debut album is "Quo".
  • Nathan Cavaleri - an Australian blues guitar prodigy, about 15 years old; his first album on MJJ is "Nathan".
  • Men of Vizion - a group of 5 African-American men from Brooklyn, New York, all in their 20's - their debut album "Personal", with Teddy Riley as producer, will be released on May 14, 1996. Teddy Riley brought them to Michael's attention in 1993, when he played him a few demo tracks.
  • Rebbie Jackson - Michael's eldest sister.

Additional information on these artists can be found in the Links section of the MJIFC homepage.
(from Black & White, Blues & Soul, E!, Entertainment Weekly, Billboard)

How long was HIStory at the top of the Billboard pop and R&B charts (US)?

Two weeks, 7/8/95 and 7/15/95.

What are Michael's album sales in the US?

top         # of                                        total US

spot        weeks                                         sales

	 at top spot

# 3          ?                  Off The Wall            7 million

# 1        37 wks                 Thriller             24 million

# 1         6 wks                   Bad                 8 million

# 1         4 wks                Dangerous              6 million

# 1         2 wks                 HIStory               3 million (boxed sets)

(from Billboard)

What are the current total worldwide sales figures for Michael's albums?

Off The Wall      11 million

Thriller          46 million

Bad               22 million

Dangerous         23 million               (from Epic 9/26/95)

HIStory           14 million (boxed sets)  

Does the RIAA certification for number of albums shipped in the US go by CDs or boxed sets? Does the same rule apply for worldwide sales?

For RIAA certification, which is based on shipments to retailers, not actual sales, a 2-CD set may be counted as one or two, depending on the number of minutes in the total package and whether it is considered a "boxed set". Sony has determined that HIStory is a boxed set, as it has 150 minutes of music, so each CD within the set is counted separately for certification. For HIStory, therefore, a certification of 6 million (6x Platinum) means that 3 million boxed sets of HIStory were shipped to retailers. (from Billboard)

However, the HIStory 2-CD boxed set is counted as one for actual sales in the US. Soundscan receives its sales information from retail outlets, where an automated system registers each time an album is sold. All albums have a Universal Product Code (UPC), and it is this barcode that registers the sale. A 2-CD boxed set has one UPC code and thus is counted as one unit. (from Soundscan)

Worldwide sales are counted only by boxed set, so 14 million worldwide sales of HIStory means 14 million 2-CD boxed sets. (from MJNI)

Was Michael sued for copyright infringement over the song "Dangerous"?

Yes. Crystal Cartier from Denver, Colorado accused MJ of stealing her song by the same title, which she had copyrighted in 1985. However, she was unable to locate an original tape of her song for the court, and the version she produced did not sound much like MJ's song. Michael testified on February 14, 1994, giving convincing details of his songwriting process and demonstrating his incredible ability to bring a song to life with just his voice box. As reported by BET, Cartier lost and was denied the chance to appeal. Printed or taped court transcripts may be ordered directly from the Colorado courts for $12.00.

Is Michael producing a play called "Sisterella"?

MJ and Jerry Greenberg are the executive producers of this musical, which opened at the Pasadena Playhouse (CA, US) on March 17, 1996. Larry Hart, who wrote the book, music, and lyrics, is a Grammy-award-winning gospel singer and song writer based in Las Vegas. The play is a black musical adaptation of the Cinderella story set in turn-of-the-century New York. MJ attended the last showing of the play. There are tentative plans for the play to go on to Broadway or be made into a motion picture. (from LA Times)

In November, 1996, Sisterella won 8 NAACP Theatre Awards (out of 12 nominations), more than any other production: Best Play, Best Director (David Simmons), Best Musical Director (Matthew Sklar), Best Set Design (Gary Wissman), Best Supporting Performance Actor (Ralph Cole, Jr.), Best Performance Actress (Yvette Cason), Best Costumes (Pasquale Spezzano), Best Choreographer (Raymond G. del Barrio). Sisterella opened in Germany in December 1996.

When did Michael buy the Beatles songs and for how much? Did he recently sell them to Sony to solve a cash-flow problem? Does he own his own songs?

MJ bought the ATV catalog of publishing rights, which includes 250 Beatles songs, on September 6, 1985, for a reported $47 million. Since then, he greatly increased its worth by acquiring the publishing rights to many more songs. ATV Music Publishing, owner of over 4000 songs, was said to have had 1993 revenues of $30 million, making it worth more than $400 million. It owned the copyrights to songs by the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Little Richard, Lloyd Price, and the Pointer Sisters, among others. According to Reuters, "a song earns money for both its writer and copyright owner each time it sells on a recorded format, is played on the radio or covered by another artist." Also, the copyright owner can license the songs to movie studios and advertisers for considerable money.

In 1995, after year-long negotiations, MJ merged the ATV Music Publishing Company with Sony Music Publishing, creating Sony/ATV Music Publishing, now the third-largest music publishing company in the world. It was not a sale. MJ retains 50% ownership of the new company and received at least $110 million dollars from Sony for the deal, in part because ATV owns 100% of the rights to most of its songs (including the Beatles songs), whereas Sony's income arises from co-publishing or administration. Sony/ATV is worth an estimated $500 million to $1 billion, having, in addition to the ATV catalog, publishing relationships with such artists as Bob Dylan, Nile Rogers, Mariah Carey, Neil Diamond, and Conway Twitty. Sony will control the new company day-to-day, with a board of directors drawn equally from Sony and Michael Jackson representatives. The ATV songs will continue to be administered by EMI Music Publishing until 1998, when they will revert to Sony/ATV. MJ's own songs, which belong to his Mijac Music Publishing, are not affected by the deal and continue to be administered by Warner Chappell or Warner Tamerlane.

The rumors that MJ merged his ATV catalog with Sony in order to solve a cash-flow problem are false and were begun by a speculative November, 1995 article in Newsweek that theorized that the child-molestation settlement and various lawsuits had left him short of liquid assets, and that he therefore pursued the merger for the sake of the $100 million he would receive. The story was quickly picked up by USA Today and the US tabloid TV shows "Hard Copy" and "A Current Affair". The speculation was contradicted by an expert from Forbes magazine who appeared on E! and by MJ and his lawyer John Branca, who gave an 11/9/95 interview to USA Today to say that cash flow was not a factor. Michael said, "It's just a great move, a corporate, entrepreneurial thing to do...It's smart business. It's about growth. Everything in life to me is about growth." MJ is reported to be interested in buying the Motown catalog next. (from Reuters, Billboard, Business Wire, Newsweek, USA Today)


Additional answers to questions can be found in the BIOGRAPHY section in MJIFC under DISPELLING RUMORS.

Are the lyrics of "They Don't Care About Us" anti-Semitic?

No. "They Don't Care About Us" is a song about ethnic polarization and indifference to justice in modern society. The original version, released in 1995 on the HIStory album, contained the lyrics, "Jew me, sue me, everybody do me/Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me." During her June, 1995 "Prime Time Live" interview of MJ and wife Lisa Marie Presley, Diane Sawyer quoteFd these lines out of context and asked about the possibility of anti-Semitism on MJ's part, as "to jew" is a slang expression meaning "to swindle" or "to deceive" that stems from anti-Jewish stereotypes, and "kike" is a common anti-Jewish slur. Michael explained in response that in the song he is the victim, not the attacker, and chided Sawyer for suggesting he was anti-Semitic when many of his friends and associates were Jewish.

The lyrics and Michael's naive defense ignited a storm of media derision. Army Archerd, columnist for Daily Variety, complained that "when Jackson uses those words, they become acceptable for ordinary conversation" and told him to "kill the song". The response of major Jewish leaders was also critical, if more balanced. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, stated that he knew from an earlier visit of Michael's to the Center that Michael was not an anti-Semite, and that he understood that the real intent of the lyrics was not anti-Jewish, but he was worried that the nuances would be lost on many listeners, and that the song would teach slurs to young people. Rabbi Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), echoed his concerns, and a representative of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) criticized the lyrics as inexpertly crafted for what MJ wished to convey. Longtime friend Steven Spielberg, who is Jewish, was also offended and wrote a letter to the New York Times to say that his written accolades in the HIStory album booklet were not meant as an endorsement of any of the new songs on HIStory.

MJ stated in the NY Times on 6/15/95: "The idea that these lyrics could be deemed objectionable is extremely hurtful to me, and misleading. The song in fact is about the pain of prejudice and hate and is a way to draw attention to social and political problems. I am the voice of the accused and the attacked. I am the voice of everyone. I am the skinhead, I am the Jew, I am the black man, I am the white man. I am not the one who was attacking. It is about the injustices of young people and how the system can wrongfully accuse them. I am angry and outraged that I could be so misinterpreted."

Michael was defended by his Jewish manager, Sandy Gallin, who told the NY Times that the lyrics should be taken in the context of the whole angry song. "When I heard those lyrics, I thought they were brilliant. He's saying, stop labeling people, stop degrading people, stop calling them names. The song is about not being prejudiced. To take two lines out of context is unfair." Melani Rogers, the vice president for publicity for the Epic label, said in a written response, "Our own view of the song is that it is a statement against prejudice of any kind." Longtime friend David Geffen, who is Jewish, protested that MJ is "not a hater of any kind. There is not one iota of anti-Semitism in Michael. At worst, he is naive."

Once apprised of the depth of Jewish concern over the lyrics, MJ publicly apologized to anyone he had offended by the wording, telling the Simon Wiesenthal Center in a letter that his "choice of words may have unintentionally hurt the very people with whom I meant to express solidarity." He also decided to take the suggestion of the Center's Rabbi Marvin Hier to put an apology and explanation in all copies of HIStory that had not yet been shipped to stores. MJ later also agreed to change the lyrics to obviate all possible misunderstanding. "Jew me" became "do me", and "kike me" became "strike me". These lyrics were amended soon thereafter to "chew me" and "hike me".

The publicity raised by the incident caused the more cynical elements of the media to suggest that the whole controversy had been staged in order to raise interest in the HIStory album and to create collector's items out of the copies containing the original lyrics. However, the idea that MJ intentionally flirted with racism in order to sell records is patently absurd. Not only does he abhor racism, but so does his following -- the fans know that better than anyone. He could only harm his sales by treating ethnic prejudice with that kind of frivolity.

The perception of Michael's basic sincerity in the incident was seconded in a July 10, 1995 letter from Rabbi Foxman to the Wall Street Journal in response to an article lambasting MJ as one of the "peddlers of verbal garbage" who use sensationalism to sell products: "We have been in close, continuing contact with the parties during the period, and we find no reason to conclude that Mr. Jackson's apology and the sensitivity and responsiveness of Sony Music's Michael Schulhof in handling the situation was anything but honest, straightforward and commendable."

The controversy was revived in March 1996, during filming of the videos for "They Don't Care About Us" in New York and Brazil. It became apparent that, contrary to the expectations of some, the videos would not contain the revised lyrics, but instead the potentially offensive words would be masked by sound effects. Unsatisfied by this approach, and somewhat confused about Jackson's intentions in the song (see above), Rabbi Hier of the Wiesenthal Center appeared on the U.S. television program "EXTRA" to express his disapproval, saying, "When you have a person like Michael Jackson telling us that he has composed lyrics for a song of love and tolerance, and those supposed words of love and tolerance include 'Jew me, sue me, kick me, kike me' -- that's just ridiculous." Video director Spike Lee observed that there was a double standard if unflattering portrayals of blacks and Jews were permissible in Martin Scorsese's films, for instance, but Michael Jackson was excoriated for his choice of artistic expression in protesting social conditions in "They Don't Care About Us". Rabbi Hier contended that there was a big difference between Scorsese's movies and the song, although the distinction was not made clear.

The videos debuted on MTV and VH1 in the US in early April 1996. The "prison" version of the video, which contained brutal illustrations of man's inhumanity to man, was broadcast with a disclaimer saying that the video contained graphic footage, but MTV was nevertheless showing it "in the interests of artistic freedom." However, this and the "Brazilian" version of the video received little airplay and were soon dropped from the playlists. MTV spokeswoman Carol Robinson explained in Michael Fink's Insider column in the April 29 issue of People magazine that although the lyrics had been edited, "there remains the perception that the tone of the song is anti-Semitic, and as a result we are no longer airing it." MJJ Productions VP Bob Jones countered that Jackson "is not a racist, as evidenced by his endeavors on behalf of people of all religions." An Epic representative concurred, expressing disappointment in the decision of the cable music channels.

The attitude of the US affiliates was apparently not shared by MTV Europe, where "They Don't Care About Us" was #1 for three weeks, or by BET (Black Entertainment Television) in the U.S., where it reached #3. The single was top ten all over Europe and in Israel and reached #10 on the U.S. R & B charts the week of 6/15/96. (from Reuters, VOA, Daily Variety, NY Times, MTV News, Wall St. Journal, EXTRA, People, Billboard, club members)

Is true that very few of Michael's friends and associates supported him during the allegations?

Michael has been quoted as saying that during the allegations he could count his true friends on one hand. Some of his friends may have disappointed him because of their silence, while others may have provided support privately. We may not be aware of all the people that came to Michael's support publicly, as their statements of support were rarely reported by the media, but here are those that we know to have came to Michael's support:

Elizabeth Taylor, Elton John, Jane Fonda, Corey Feldman, Mariah Carey, Bruce Willis, Brooke Shields, Sharon Stone, k.d. lang, Howard Carpedale, Maximilian Schell, Quincy Jones, Stevie Wonder, Katherine, Joseph, Janet, Jackie, Marlon, Rebbie, and Tito Jackson, J. Randy Taraborrelli, Flo Anthony, Garth Brooks, Paul McCartney, Tony Toni Tone, Lisa Marie Presley, Macaulay Culkin, Yoko Ono, Tevin Campbell, Queen Latifah, Kim Fields, Sinbad, Bryant Gumble, Mary A. Fischer, Bill Bellamy, Barbara Eden, Michael Peters, Shanice, Carol Burnett, 3T, Alfonso Ribiero, Frank Dileo, NAACP, Los Angeles area ministers, Jeanne White (Ryan's mother), Kieran Culkin (Macaulay's mother), Teddy Riley, Donnie Wahlberg & Joe Macintyre (from the New Kids On The Block), Smokey Robinson, Sharon Stone, Lynne Gold-Bikin (President of the Association of the American Barristers), Bruce Swedien, Lauren Shuler-Donner (film producer), and Phil Collins. Click here to read what they said about Michael.

What was the PBS program (US) where they examined how the media dealt with the 1993 molestation allegations? What was the similar program in the UK?

"Frontline" on PBS did a special on tabloid coverage of the allegations called "Tabloid Truth: The Michael Jackson Scandal". The program details how an employee of the Child Protective Services in Los Angeles called a reporter and informed him that Michael was being investigated for child molestation, and within 24 hours the news was around the world. It examined how sources can be bought and how the the media creates the story as they go along in order to garner ratings and sell magazines and newspapers. A similar program was shown on BBC television in the UK in 1994 as "The Hunt For Michael Jackson".

Why does Michael use swear words on HIStory?

When angry, count ten.
When very angry, swear. ----Mark Twain

What evidence is there that Michael really has vitiligo? Why doesn't he use dark makeup to cover his skin instead of light?

In the February 10, 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, MJ revealed that his skin had turned from brown to white because of a pigment-destroying skin disorder that runs on his father's side of the family. The following Friday, as reported by AP, his dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein, confirmed that he had diagnosed MJ with vitiligo in 1986. Joseph, Katherine, and Randy Jackson appeared on the US TV program "Day One" about a month after the Oprah interview to reveal that they had known for many years that Michael had vitiligo but had been sworn to secrecy. Janet Jackson told Ebony, MTV, Q, Bravo, and Star Club that she too had known but had complied with MJ's request to remain silent. She added that it always hurt to listen to claims that Michael was artificially lightening his skin because she knew the truth but could not defend him without violating his privacy.

In addition to the confirmation by close associates and family members, there is directly observable evidence. In Europe, two fan magazines devoted to Michael, Black & White and Nations of Magic, have published unretouched pictures taken during the Dangerous Tour that show that MJ's hands and arms are mostly pale but are speckled with dark pigment blotches, an appearance consistent with advanced vitiligo. Fans who have followed his concert tours have reported occasionally being able to see blotches on his skin through the makeup. Reporter Tom Green, who covered MTV's "Weekend at Neverland Contest", wrote in USA Today on June 23, 1993, "[Jackson] is in makeup, but it is evident that his disclosure of a skin-lightening disease seems credible. Darker spots are apparent on a hand and around an ear." It is doubtful that if Michael's goal were to have white skin, he would allow these blotches to remain, especially since complete depigmentation is a treatment alternative for vitiligo patients. Finally, some well-known MJ trademarks are characteristic of vitiligo sufferers, including wearing wide-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants and carrying an umbrella to protect against the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight.

The pictures in Black & White and Nations of Magic reveal the reason that MJ uses light rather than dark makeup to conceal his uneven pigmentation. They indicate that MJ has lost as much as 80% of his pigment to the disorder, making the use of dark makeup impractical.

More information about vitiligo can be found on the Biography page and at:


Why does MJ wear a surgical mask when he goes out to a lot of places?

In his own words--"Because with time my skin condition has gotten worse. I have vitiligo and I'm totally completely allergic to the sun. I'm not even supposed to be outside actually. Even if I'm in the shade the sun rays can destroy my skin."

Did MJ and Lisa Marie Presley know each other for only 4 months before their marriage?

Four months is the time that they were actually dating rather than just friends. In fact they have known each other for years, ever since Elvis Presley brought his young daughter backstage to meet the Jackson 5 when they performed at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas in 1974. MJ and Lisa Marie renewed their acquaintance in 1991 and became close friends, often telephoning and spending time together. In May 1993, they were together at an event in support of the Atlanta Immunization Project. (from Ebony, Atlanta Constitution)

I heard that MJ and Lisa Marie Presley's marriage wasn't legal. Is this true?

No. The US tabloid TV program "A Current Affair" supposedly carried out a year-long investigation into the marriage and purported to have evidence that the marriage was illegal. Their main claims were:

  • At the time of the ceremony, the judge who carried it out, Hugo Alvarez Perez, was 100 miles outside his jurisdiction.
  • According to the laws of the Dominican Republic, there must be a period of 10 months between a divorce and a new marriage; Lisa Marie's marriage to her first husband, Danny Keough, was formally dissolved only 3 weeks before she married Michael Jackson.
  • According to flight reports and other time schedules, the marriage cannot have taken place when it was reported to have.

However, on November 5, 1995, Judge Alvarez clarified that Michael Jackson's marriage to Lisa Marie Presley was in fact legally valid. According to Dominican law, in order for a marriage to be performed, all that is needed are sworn statements from the bride and groom that they are currently single. These were provided. Moreover, shortly after the May 26, 1994 ceremony, Agence France Presse (AFP) obtained access to official records and witness accounts that demonstrated that the wedding had taken place in La Vega, within the judge's jurisdiction. Finally, the only parties who could have challenged the legality of the marriage were the bride and groom themselves, and only within a year after the marriage, and this they did not do. (from Agence France Presse)

What is the story behind "Word to the Badd!"?

In November 1991, a new single, "Word to the Badd!", by Jermaine Jackson was leaked to Los Angeles radio station KPWR. The DJ began to play the single continuously in alternation with MJ's new single "Black or White". The lyrics were a no-holds-barred attack on Michael. They read, in part:

Been abducted
Don't know who you are...
Once you were made
You changed your shade
Was your color wrong?
Could not turn back
It's a known fact
You were too far gone

The broadside caused shock and controversy in the media and the public. Jermaine explained on the UK network TV program "Rapido": "I tried to put some phone calls to him and I didn't get a reply...it's a number of things but it's nothing we couldn't work out, had we spoken, but I wasn't granted an opportunity from his people to speak to him...the overall message is an older brother telling his younger brother to get back to reality...you have done it to the ultimate level, but you're still a person."

According to Margaret Maldonado, his former common-law wife, Jermaine wrote the song when he became enraged that his producers, L.A. Reid and Babyface, postponed work on his next album in order to work with Michael on Dangerous. Jermaine was unable to reach MJ by phone to confront him over the postponement, so he conceived a plan to put Michael in his place and at the same time draw attention to his own album.

The morning after the song began to air, MJ appeared at Hayvenhurst to demand an explanation. Contrary to some reports, he did not attempt to attack his brother physically over the insult but instead went into a room with him to discuss the matter, with mother Katherine mediating. Maldonado reports that after the meeting Katherine told her that Jermaine had refused to apologize, though Michael was deeply hurt. MJ begged his brother to withdraw the single, since his own fans would not care, but Jermaine's career would be ruined. Unwisely, Jermaine did not, and although the version of "Word to the Badd!" that appeared on his album did not contain the acid lyrics, the single and album were commercial failures due to public contempt over the cynical attack on Michael. Jermaine was dropped from his Arista contract soon after and remains unsigned to any label. (from A Visual Documentary, Jackson Family Values)

Should I believe any of the things LaToya has said about Michael in recent years?

Probably not. Her proof for the many provocative claims she has made about her family in the past few years is slim, and she has been contradicted regularly by other family members. For instance, sisters Rebbie and Janet have both publicly denied the sexual abuse that in 1991 LaToya avowed her father had inflicted on the Jackson daughters. In December 1993, LaToya claimed at a press conference in Israel that MJ was guilty of child molestation; she repeated these claims on the US TV show "Today" and added that her mother had once shown her canceled checks that represented payoffs to past victims. When challenged by anchorwoman Katie Couric, she then admitted she had no evidence of misbehavior on her brother's part, and she had no idea what the canceled checks had really been for. LaToya further alleged on tabloid TV shows in the US that Michael behaved suspiciously by having young boys in his room at Hayvenhurst for hours at a time; Margaret Maldonado has revealed that the young boys MJ had had in his room were only his nephews Taj, Taryll, and T.J., and the so-called suspicious behavior was nothing more than playing video games and watching movies. LaToya has often been called upon recently by tabloids to expound on events in Michael's life, but the views she has given are probably of little worth, since in late January 1996, she admitted on the US tabloid TV program "Inside Edition" that she hasn't seen Michael in years.

A possible end to her erratic behavior was signalled in May 1996, when she filed for divorce from her husband of seven years, Jack Gordon. The couple obtained restraining orders against one another, and LaToya later filed a lawsuit against Gordon, claiming he physically abused her (one much-publicized instance of which left her hospitalized in the early 1990s) and forced her to pose nude against her wishes. Reports indicate that she is now reconciling with her family and has apologized for her past actions. (from Michael Jackson: The King of Pop by C.C., Rolling Stone, A Visual Documentary, LA Times, Jackson Family Values, Radioscope's Electronic Urban Report, San Jose Mercury News, club members)

What is the status of the criminal investigation into the allegations of sexual molestation made against Michael in 1993?

In September 1994, Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti and Santa Barbara County District Attorney Tom Sneddon announced that after a 13-month investigation in which 400 witnesses were interviewed, no charges would be filed against Michael Jackson. The boy who had accused him of misconduct had declined to testify against him in court in any possible prosecution. Under California law, a child cannot be forced to testify against his alleged molester. The case technically remains open, although the formal investigation is concluded. According to Garcetti, if the boy changed his mind and decided to testify, they would "re-evaluate our case at that time." The statute of limitations expires in 1999, six years after the crime was claimed to have occurred.

Lightweight news outlets that refer to "charges" of child molestation against Michael are incorrect, as this word carries the distinct legal meaning that an actual criminal prosecution was begun against him. Neither of two grand juries convened to review the evidence returned an indictment against MJ, and he was neither arrested nor charged with a crime. Some news organizations also conflate the criminal investigation with the civil lawsuit filed against him by his accusers, saying that the criminal case was dropped after he settled out of court. In reality, the two proceedings were legally separate, and it would have been illegal for his accusers to accept money in exchange for silence.
(USA Today, TIME)

Who is Victor Gutierrez and why did Michael sue him?

Victor Gutierrez is a freelance writer who appeared on the U.S. tabloid television show "Hard Copy" to claim that there was a videotape of Michael Jackson molesting a boy. Some background on his story can be found in the book Jackson Family Values, by Jermaine Jackson's ex-common-law wife, Margaret Maldonado. She writes that in early 1995,

I received a telephone call from a writer named Ruth Robinson. I had known Ruth for quite a while and respected her integrity. It made what she had to tell me all the more difficult to hear. "I wanted to warn you, Margaret," she said. "There's a story going around that there is a videotape of Michael molesting one of your sons, and that you have the tape."

If anyone else had said those words, I would have hung up the phone. Given the long relationship I had with Ruth, however, I gave her the courtesy of a response. I told her that it wasn't true, of course, and that I wanted the story stopped in its tracks.

She had been in contact with someone who worked at the National Enquirer who had alerted her that a story was being written for that paper. Ruth cross-connected me with the woman, and I vehemently denied the story. Moreover, I told her that if the story ran, I would own the National Enquirer before the lawsuits I brought were finished. To its credit, the National Enquirer never ran the piece.

"Hard Copy," however, decided it would. "Hard Copy" correspondent Diane Dimond had reported that authorities were reopening the child molestation case against Michael. She had also made the allegations on L.A. radio station KABC-AM on a morning talk show hosted by Roger Barkley and Ken Minyard.

Dimond's claims were based on the word of a freelance writer named Victor Gutierrez. The story was an outrageous lie. Not one part of it was true. I'd never met the man. There was no tape. Michael never paid me for my silence. He had never molested Jeremy. Period.

After the "Hard Copy" story aired, the LAPD told the Los Angeles Times that they had seen no such videotape, they were not looking for it, and there was no renewed investigation into molestation allegations. Michael Jackson subsequently filed a $100 million slander lawsuit against Gutierrez, "Hard Copy", and KABC-AM for perpetuating the story. None of these parties ever produced the videotape or any evidence it existed. Because Jackson's lawyers could find no sign of the videotape or the origin of the tale, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Reginald Dunn ruled that Gutierrez was no longer protected by the California Shield Law, and ordered him to name his source. Gutierrez did not, instead claiming that a host of people, including Elizabeth Taylor and Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti, could verify the existence of the videotape (none of these people in fact supported him). Consequently, on October 15, 1996, Judge Dunn ruled that Gutierrez's story was false and that he had acted with malice and was therefore liable for presumed and punitive damages. The writer then fled to Mexico.
(Jackson Family Values, LA Times, Reuters)

What is the origin of the stories that Michael's baby was conceived by artificial insemination and that MJ paid his wife, Debbie Rowe-Jackson, to have the child?

In early November 1996, the London tabloid, News of the World, claimed that Debbie Rowe-Jackson had conceived Michael's child through artificial insemination at the Los Angeles Fertility Institute and was being paid $500,000 to have the baby. The tabloid further claimed that Rowe-Jackson would surrender custody to Michael and would retain only visiting rights. The New York Daily News quoted neighbors of Debbie's, Kevin Forrest and Tonya Watts, as saying that she had told them she was having the child out of friendship, but it was a natural conception. The News of the World countered by publishing what they said was an interview with Debbie's father, Gordon Rowe, in which he said she told him in a phone call that the child was conceived by artificial insemination. The December 2, 1996 issue of People magazine quoted a neighbor and "pal", Mary Colandro, as also saying Rowe-Jackson was "having the baby for Michael as a friend" though it was a natural conception. On November 4, 1996, Michael Jackson confirmed that he was indeed to become a father, but called rumors that the mother was artificially inseminated "completely false and irresponsible" and denied he had paid Rowe-Jackson to have the child. Nevertheless, the tabloid stories were picked up and repeated around the globe by mainstream news outlets until they gained a dubious legitimacy in the mind of the public.

Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe were married on November 14, 1996, in Sydney, Australia. Reports soon followed in the Australian tabloids that Debbie was asking for a divorce. At length, tired of immodest speculation in the media, Michael and Debbie issued a press release on January 6, 1997, in which they said, "Deborah has been extremely upset by the flagrant fabrications and utter lies that have been published about her and the false statements attributed to her father which he never made. Deborah's father supports her decisions 100 percent. Not inclined to respond to false and vicious reports, Deborah is adamant about again setting the record straight that Michael is the father of the child, the pregnancy is not the result of artificial means, that she has not been paid to have Michael's baby, and that she is not seeking or filing for a divorce."
(San Jose Mercury News, People, Entertainment Wire)

Information about other controversies and rumors may be found on the Biography page.


How do I get tickets to Michael's concerts and appearances?

Information about tickets will be posted to the mailing list and put on the club web site as it becomes available.

Where can I find a transcript of the February 10, 1993 interview "Michael Jackson Talks...to Oprah"?

The transcript, along with other transcipts, can be found at The Transcripts page Transcripts.

Where can I get a transcript of the June 14, 1995 "Prime Time Live" interview? This is avaiable from the Transcript Page

Where can I get a transcript of the Internet Chat from August 17, 1995?

This is avaiable from the Transcript Page

Did MJ ever do a guest spot on "The Simpsons"?

Although "Simpsons" cast members and producers are legally prohibited from confirming it, they have strongly implied that MJ lent his voice to the 3rd-season episode "Stark Raving Dad" [7F24], which first aired on September 19, 1991. His voice is credited not to his real name, but to "John Jay Smith". In the episode, Bart carelessly tosses his lucky red hat into the wash, turning Homer's work shirt pink. At work, they take Homer's shirt as a sign of a disturbed mind, and remand him to a mental institution. There he meets a fat, balding white man who was committed because he thinks he is Michael Jackson. MJ wrote the song "Lisa, It's Your Birthday", which appears in the episode, but did not sing it or the other songs in the episode because of legal obstacles. There is also a funny MJ reference in the 4th-season Halloween episode, "Treehouse of Horror III" [9F04], in the third tale, "Dial Z for Zombies", which first aired on October 29, 1992. (alt.tv.simpsons episode capsule FAQ)

When did Michael sing "You Were There"?

MJ sang this song, which was written especially for Sammy Davis Jr., only during the Sammy Davis Jr. Tribute in February 1990. Backstage he said he would never sing it again because it was "Sammy's song". The song was co-written by MJ and Buzz Kohan. It was MJ's way of thanking Davis for breaking down the barriers of racial prejudice in the American entertainment industry in the '50s and '60s, allowing MJ and other black entertainers to reach the level of achievement they subsequently did. The lyrics follow:

You were there, before we came.
You took the hurt, you took the shame.
They built the walls to block your way.
You beat them down. You won the day.
It wasn't right, it wasn't fair.
You taught them all. You made them care.
Yes, you were there, and thanks to you
There's now a door we all walk through.
And we are here, for all to see --
To be the best that we can be.
Yes, I am here....
Because you were there.

Why did it seem as if Slash missed his cue to stop playing on the 1995 MTV Music Video Awards?

Having the stagehand come out to move Slash off the stage was part of the act. It's actually an old James Brown routine and Michael has been doing it for decades (even back in 1970, the Jackson 5 were doing this as part of the act: Jackie would be called in to stop Marlon from dancing in the spotlight to return the lead to Michael). The Jacksons regularly did this in concert in later years, trying to stop Tito from playing the guitar. Most recently, it was done with Michael himself in his classic "Man in the Mirror" performance at the 1988 Grammy Awards. Remember the part where Michael collapses and the big back-up singer steps forward to "help" him? That's straight out of the James Brown Rule Book. (from Kathleen Horning)

Why does Michael lipsynch in performances?

Sometimes he lipsynchs because of the difficulty of dancing and singing clearly at the same time. Also, his concerts are two hours long, so it is prudent for him to lipsynch some songs in order to save his voice. However, according to fans who have followed his tours, only very rarely does he lipsynch the same songs at every concert. The amount of lipsynching you see in the Bucharest concert is atypical and was due to vocal chord problems that caused him to quit the Dangerous Tour one day after the concert.


No guarantees are made for the quality of the merchandise or reliability of the vendors listed here.

Where can I get copies of Moonwalk and Dancing the Dream?

Remaindered and out-of-print books are easiest to find at large general bookstores and chains such as Walden Books, Borders, and B. Daltons (US). ISBN numbers for these books may be found on the Bibliography/Fanzine page. Some of the stores at which copies have been found are:

Coles Book Store ($5.00) and World's Biggest Bookstore in Canada.

Golden Treasures
P.O. Box 601
Bentonville, AR 72712 USA
1-501-795-4209 ($17.50)

BookWarehouse of Georgia, Inc.
1232 Lakes Boulevard
Lake Park, Georgia 31636 USA
912-559-4373 ($5.99)

Names of out-of-print-book-search companies:

K S Alden Books aldenbks@interloc.com
Avonlea Books 1-800-423-0622
Better Book Getter 310 Riverside Dr., NY, NY 10025 USA 212-316-5634
Fritz T. Brown Books 5 Claremont Pl., Cranford, NJ 07016 USA 908-276-4753
Barner Books 220 E. 73 St. NY, NY 10021 USA 914-255-2635
Reed Books Box 55893, Birmingham, AL 35255 USA 205-326-4460

Where can I get the books written by Lisa Campbell?

Michael Jackson: The King of Pop and Michael Jackson: The King of Pop's Darkest Hour may be obtained from Brandon Publishers:

Go to the non-fiction section.

Where can I get MJ screensavers for my PC?

A free "Black or White" screensaver is available from Sony at:


"Childhood", "Thriller", and "Bad" screensavers are available at Blockbuster Music, Best Buy, and Sam Goody (all US), for about $2 to $3.

Where can I get an MJ mousepad?

13000 Athens Ave.
Lakewood OH 44107
phone (216) 228-2600
fax (216) 228-5228

Where can I find Michael's performance of "Man in the Mirror" from the 1988 Grammy Awards?

It is on Vol. 1 of the 2-volume "Grammy's Greatest Moments" videotape which is on sale now at most video and music stores. The tape is also available by mail from:

Movies Unlimited
6736 Castor Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19149-2184
Phone 1-800-668-4344 toll-free 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Grammy's Greatest Moments, Vol. 1, catalog # 19-3511
The tape is $19.99 plus $4.00 for regular shipping and handling.

Where can I get an MJ calendar?

There are actually two 1996 calendars. Danilo and Triumph publish the "official" calendar, and Oliver Books publishes another one.

You can purchase a Michael Jackson calendar from:

Dept. 1996-BM-1
35 Wilbur Street
Lynbrook, NY 11563

Published by Oliver Books:

16/18 Wimbeldon Stadium
Business Center Riverside
Road London SW17 0BA
TEL: 081 879 3949
FAX: 081 879 0792


Why does MJ wear an armband? Why does he wear tape on three of his fingers?

Around the time Bad was released, a reporter asked MJ what the meaning of the armband was and why he put tape on his fingers. MJ replied that the armband symbolized the suffering of children in the world. The reporter did not get an answer about the tape. However, the tape may function as a theatrical device, to make his hand and thus his movements more visible while on stage. (from Black & White)

Why is Michael fascinated with the number 7 and the year 1998?

MJ has never completely revealed the reasons for this. Biographer J. Randy Taraborrelli reports that MJ told him that the number 7 has always had mystical connotations and is very important to him but did not elaborate why.

Seven has been a mystical or holy number to many of the world's cultures. In ancient Egypt, seven was sacred to Osiris (Ausar), and the Seven Hathors served as "fairy godmothers" that appeared when a child was born and either predicted its fate or bestowed certain aspects of that fate upon it. In Greco-Roman culture, seven was sacred to Apollo, who had seven strings in his harp, and to Pan, who had seven reeds in his pipe; the number was also important to Ares/Mars and to Athena/Minerva. In Buddhism, seven represents ascent or travel towards the spiritual center, which occurs in seven stages. In Chinese folklore, there are seven deities and seven animal spirits. The number seven also occurs repeatedly in Judeo-Christian tradition (the seven days of creation, Jesus's exhortation to forgive "seventy times seven" times, the constant reference to seven entities in the visions of Revelations). According to the Jehovah's Witnesses, the religion in which Michael was raised, seven is used in the Bible to denote perfection. It is also a particularly holy number in Islam; G-d is said to have seven aspects, and there are seven heavens, seven planets, and so on. Pilgrims to Mecca are instructed to walk around the Qa'aba seven times. (from An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols)

Taraborrelli states that 1998 is important to Michael because he feels that the world will go through some major positive changes in 1998. Stories that MJ visited a psychic or numerologist who told him that in 1998 he would die or the universe would end if he didn't start signing all his autographs with the year 1998 included are false and come from tabloids.

Where can I write to Michael?

Michael Jackson
Neverland Valley Ranch
c/o Postmaster
Los Olivos, CA 93441

Does Michael plan to move out of the US?

On the "Prime Time Live" interview in June 1995, he expressed a desire to move out of the US, to either South Africa or Switzerland. He repeated this intention during the Internet Chat in August. In late 1996, there were reports that Michael hoped to buy a castle in Scotland.

How tall is Michael?

5'10" or 178 cm. (from Black & White)

Is Michael a vegetarian?

Michael was a strict vegetarian for much of his adult life until health concerns prompted his physician to recommend adding limited quantities of fish and chicken to his diet, especially while on tour. Recently, MJ seems to have developed a taste for sushi. When he was in Germany in November 1995 to appear on "Wetten Dass?", it was reported that he ordered a lot of sushi from the hotel; in the "Scream" video, one of the vending machines is labeled "SUSHI". (from Michael Jackson: The King of Pop by C.C., My Family, the Jacksons, Bild)

I noticed that MJ has dedicated "Childhood" to Craig Fleming and Michael Fleming. Who are they?

Craig Alan Fleming was a 22-month-old child who drowned February 21, 1995, when his mother reportedly threw him and his three-year-old brother, Michael Robert Jr., off a Long Beach bridge into the Los Angeles River. Michael Fleming survived. MJ attended Craig's funeral and made a donation to the Michael Fleming Fund of the St. Mary Medical Center Foundation in the child's honor. (from The Lee Solters Company)

Who is Deepak Chopra?

Deepak Chopra, who is thanked at the beginning of Dancing the Dream, is a physician and the founding president of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. He is an endocrinologist and a former Chief of Staff at the New England Memorial Hospital in Stoneham, Massachusetts, who has also taught at Tufts and Boston University Medical Schools. Dr. Chopra was introduced to the ancient methods of Indian healing, Ayurveda, by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He has written and lectured widely, and his publications include Quantum Healing, Creating Health, Return of the Rishi, Perfect Health, Unconditional Life, and Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. He is also the Medical Director of the Sharp Institute for Human Potential and Mind-Body Medicine in La Jolla, California. (from "Deepak Chopra, M.D.: Quantum Healing" by Daniel Redwood, D.C.)

prepared by the Enigmatic Confederation for Probity and Rectitude

A special thanks Laurinda Chamberlin and Janis M. Carlson for supplying this page.
Please check out the Magic Homepage and Janis' (ChldHart) home page - Fan in the Mirror

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