The Moonwalker Monthly Quiz

Each month a new quiz will be presented here. Any questions that you might have to add here would be greatly appreciated.

At the end of each quiz, your score will be added up. If you get less than perfect, feel free to take the quiz again until you get it right.

Please note that to get the answers straight away, your browser needs to be JavaScript comptable. If it is not, you will still be able to use the quiz and submit it to "The Moonwalker" via e-mail, and we will respond as soon as possible as to your results.

NOTE:Starting from May onwards, there is a competition for who can get the perfect score of 10/10 in the least ammount of tries. We are asking everyone to submit their results to the Moonwalker for tallying, even if you have a javascript brower. The winner will be printed on this page after each month, so keep a look out for you name...if could be you!



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