Minimum Site Requirements

Both the 'Java' and 'Decaf' version are designed to be viewed with a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels, and for 256 colours. Most of the newer computers would support this size and colour. To find out how, Click Here.

Below are the features that are more specific to each site. Please note that both of the sites essentially contain the same information, however the way in which it is displayed differs.

  • Though this version does not contain much else apart from HTML, and some big images, and theoretically, netscape version 1 should work fine, however, that was a very early browser, and either Netcape 2 or the Internet Explorer Equivalent should be used.

  • The version does use tables, so a tables compatable browser, such as Netscape 2 or above, should also be used.

  • All javascripts, java applets and other plugins have been removed from this version, to make it more compatable and load faster.









  • A frames compatable browser like Netscape 3 or above, and Internet Explorer 3 or above, is required to view this version. Some earlier versions of these programs might also be able to handle frames, though I can not be certain about it.

  • The site contains many javascripts, that will activate if you use Netscape 3 or above, or Internet Explorer 4 or above. If you have an earlier brower, these Javascripts will not function, though it does not restrict your navigation of the site.

  • A browser that reads animated gifs is also required. It is need to view the 'Animations' section of the site, aswell as the e-mail animation at the bottom of the left hand frame.

  • The top frame of the site contains an animation made through Shockwave Flash 2, and you will need this plugin to view it. You can download this plugin and many others made by macromedia from Here. Downloading this plugin will not be useless, as the amount of sites that have such multimedia intergrated into it are increasing rapidly. If you do not have this plugin, either a link of where to download it, or an image will be displayed.
  • Return to original page.

    Checking/Changing your screen colour and resolution

  • You should first make sure that you have all programs saved and closed, and your internet connection turned off before you do this. Maybe you should print this page so you can read it and shutdown netscape aswell. If not, just leave netscape or Internet explorer running, and shutdown your internet connection. I say this because if you change any settings, it might be necessary to restart windows, and it helps if you shutdown your programs before hand.
  • Go to the 'Start Menu'
  • Click on 'Settings'
  • Then Click on the 'Control Pannel'
  • In the first or second row, there should be an icon called 'Display'. Double click on that icon.
  • When that window opens, tab across the top to a heading called 'Settings'.

    Setting the screen resolution

  • On the lower right hand side, there should be an area titiled 'Desktop Area', with a bar underneath.
  • Under that bar, there should be a reading, similar to '640x480 pixels', 800x600 pixels, or greater. If it is 800x600 or higher, you are already set at a correct size.
  • If it is set at 640x480 pixels or less, try to move the bar towards the right ('more') to set the size to 800x600 pixels. If you are unable to set it at this size, you will still be able to view the site, though you might have to scroll width ways to view the entire site.

    Setting the maximum screen colours

  • Whilst in the settings section of the display settings, on the lower left hand side, there is a scroll bar called 'Colour Palette'. If this is set at 16 colours or less, click the scroll and try to increase it to 256, 16 bit, or 32 bit. Ofcourse, 32 bit is the best, though 256 colours or anything above is more than enough to view this site. If you can only view the site in 16 colours, it might look a little weird, though she should not be any major problems.
  • Once these settings are set, hit the 'OK' button. You might be asked to restart windows, so just say 'Yes'.
  • your all done, congratualations. You screen should now be compatable with The Moonwalker Site.