Concert Analysis

Here is my indept analysis of the concert....I really need help for things that I cant remember and maybe stuff that is please take the time to scan through it and feel free to send me e-mails concerning it..I would really appreciate it. Whether there is something you would like to add, or just to say what you thought of it.

TThe MJ Sydney Concert - 16th November 1996

8:35 - An annoncment is made.."15 minutes till HIStory and counting"

8:50 - The lights are turned off and the video display begins We are shown a cartoon like/computer generated MJ in a space outfit inside a kind if plane/capsule thing. We then see through the front of the plane, as we hear MJ say "Mission Control, what my destination for today?' Annoncer " your destination is Sydney Australia" The crowd jeers There is a count down We then see MJ's ship travel through a journey of time. He is travelling on a great roller coaster and to the side we see things like great moments in history and especially MJ's History. Everytime that we see MJ, the crown yells.

You then see MJ's ship suddenly crash and leave the tracks of the roller coaster His spaceship then crashed up through the floor of the stage and the crowd once again goes wild. The spaceship remains there while MJ just enjoys the jeering...a chant of " Michael" then begins, though the door remains shut The door comes flying off to reveal the man inside, who is dressed in a full gold suit and even wearing a helmet. There crowd jeers once agian. MJ then steps out of the ship and it returns back to under the stage

The music to SCREAM then starts There is enless screaming as MJ breaks into dance MJ does cut out the first verse that JJ would usually sing, and just continues with the chorus. Though the second times that JJ sings, MJ does the part, and sounds great...though different, not that there is anything wrong with that. There is a great deal of coreography during this song, though it isnt the same at the video clip, it is great. As Mj gets to the part "Stop F$%^ing with me, makes me wanna scream", he stops, and points to each side of the stage whilst fireworks explode. Mj then stops in the middle of the stage, still, while the crowd praises him. He is then joined by a group soliders, as they march on the spot. Many sound effects are heard and made by their movements with their arms, and even commands my MJ himself. MJ then being the lyrics to the song.. MJ does not mime this song. And after the first verse stops for another march ans special effects. After a few seconds, he then begins once more. The group and MJ then rush to the right side od the stage where there is an American flag, and they all point in that direction.

History starts playing and Mj sinsg "Everyday creates your history"

It then stops and the beat for TDCAU once again starts as MJ and the group begin to march towards the middle of the stage again. MJ runs ahead of the group to face the crowd as he continues on the next verse. He doesnt mime this song either.

By the end, MJ is back in the middle of the stage, with the last line being sung by his back up singers, which was a great effect.

The musce then immediatelly moves into "Shes driving me wild" As is being with a car horn, MJ is there, making the same action, whilst rotating his hips...which looked great. There was a group of about 2 or 3 dancers behind him. With the part the the woman usually speaks, Mj does it instead. He sounds great saying works like "There is one thing in life you must understand, the truth of lust, WOMAN to MAN, just open the door and you will see, are no secrets, make your move, set me free" MJ does seem to be miming parts of it, though some parts are done live.

At the end of it, MJ moves back to the middle of the stage and yells out at the crowd "How ya doin?" Everyone goes wild... "I love you" "I love YOU" "OOWW" He then beings the beat of, Wanna be starting something as he beings running around the stage. Mj does not mime this song, and seems to be running from side to side of the stage after about the first verse, where he is in the middle dancing. Close to the end, MJ and his dancers freeze for about 30 seconds while the crowd goes crazy, and then starts up again. At the end of the song, MJ then goes back to the middle of the stage where he arrived from..and returns to beneath the stage with crash of the drums

The next song is then Stranger in moscow. I dont remember how Mj enters this song, or what kinda movements that he does during it, so i would greatly appreciate any help that anyone has. Mj didnt seem to be singing this song live. The song ends with just the beat ot SIM and then it comes to an end. The lights go dark, and MJ disappears behind stage.

When the lights come back on again, it is to the slow music of Smooth criminal, whilst men in suits and women in dressed come on stage. There were 2 men and 2 women. I THINK this is where a sheet falls infront of the whole stage and you can just see MJ's shadow, which is HUGE, and these teo little men behind him. he then does all these great moves. The sheet is lifted, and MJ still sings. As the song continues, the women leave the stage, and more men arrive. Mj then carries out the same dance moves as we see in the Video clip, with his dancers wearing the same clothes. During the song, a man runs in with a bomb, and you see the move when all the guy lean really far forward carried out.. Still dont know how they do that on stage... MJ also pulls out a machine gun at the end, just like the clip, and starts shooting at the stage, where fireworks then explode. MJ mimes most of this song, though at the end, he sings the last line live.

Mj then leaves the stage, i dont remember how, and you are entertained by some video clips. You see MJ's panther sequence from the end of Black and white

Mj then returns to the stage wearing the jacket from his YANA video clip. He begins singing and all of this song his he is miming. He sings with a lot of emotion and at the start of the second verse, i girl is pulled up from the crowd. He hugs her right away as she "cries on his shoulder'. He then puts distance between them and slow dances. The slow dance then turns into like a 60's/70's Jive. He then falls to his knees at her feet, like a story book prince. As he then returns to his feet, he once again holds the girl, who is then taken away by security, and MJ is left to sing the song freely. At about the last chorus, MJ sings live and to the fade. It is understandable that MJ would not sing live for this song, as acting out the little story at the same time would have made it really hard.

Once again, MJ proclaims to the crowd "I Love You"

The next song is then, The Way You Make Me Feel. Mj puts on his same blue shirt, and white strap around his waist. This great looking woman with this great body came out on stage. She walked around the stage is this very tight dress whilst MJ was running around the stage gawking at her, like the video clip. During some parts he was like playing around with her and stuff, it looked so cute. Mj wore is blue shirt and that white tie around his waist. MJ also does that little floor scene that he does in the movie...:) At the end of the song, Mj comes to the front of the stage and yells "How ya doin?" He sounds so cool and EVERYONE yells "Now we are going to give you, some of the old songs,

While this is happening, people are setting the stage behind him for a classic Jackson 5 performance. With MJ in the middle and 4 mics around him.

He then breaks out into, I want you back. MJ sound so goods singing it, and very different from back when he was young in the jackson 5. They use all the same dance movements as from their old performances, and it looks absolutely amazing to see MJ pull those moves again. He really is the all time legend. It is actually a Jackson 5 melody, that then turns into, Stop the love you save. Personally i think that MJ sounds better singing that soung now though when compared to when he was little. His voice just seems to have a greater meaning now. He sounds great!

The song then stops and you MJ starts to sing 'I'll be there'. He sounds absolutely great. And someone else takes the other part, though I dont know who that was <any ideas?> He sings it with SOOOO much feeling, especially when he sings the words "If you should ever find someone new, I know he better be good to you", whilst he walks around the stage. The people/guys that were beside him taking the place of the other 4 jacksons are now gone and only the mic stands are left there.

Just before the last line, MJ holds the note for "be" for ages and then breaks down crying. Though it seeme real, it is also known that he did this at all of his concerts. After about 3 minutes of the crowd screaming at him, he then rises and sings the last line, "there" He returns to the centre of the stage and sings repeatitively " I will be...." As he stands in the middle, he points to the ics besides him and says, "Tito, Jermaine, Randy, Jackie, Marlon, I love you all. The crowd screams and the lights dim.

When the lights come on, MJ comes to the front of the stage and says, "I'd like to do, some of my favourites, hopefully some of yours"

The music for "rock with you" then beings. The crowd really gets into these old songs. Mj does mime this song. I cant remember exactly what MJ was doing durings this songs so any help would be greatly appreciated. The song then turns into "Off the wall" MJ mimes this song. The song quickly turns into "Dont stop" after about 1 verse. MJ also mimes this. I am assuming that he is mining these songs cause when they were recorded, his voice was considerable higher, and to sing them now i guess he feels that they wouldnt sound as good.

We are now shown another video sequence that contains bits from TDCAU, remember the time, Will you be there-which he crown actually sung all the words to, Bad, Leave me alone, Dirty Diana, and MJ talking to this man on steps, who is like giving him all this advice about his like. There is also, Keep it in the closet, TDCAU, Man in the mirrow, Scream, and this huge drum sequence from TDCAU.

As MJ returns to the stage, he has changed his pants from the gold ones to black one, and walks onto stage with a white shirt on and carrying a suitcase. As he opens it, he slowly pulls out his Sequened Jacket, then glove, and then the famous hat. He starts Billy Jean does like the famous performance. MJ also mimes this song. Mj does a huge moonwalk and goes up on his toes. There are parts of the song that he does sing live, especially at the end, where he is singing over his own background vocals. At the end, MJ returns to the middle of the stage again to do the first dance part of the song again...Why i dont know...though he does.

Please E-mail me with your comments on this analysis!

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