MJs Australian Tour Update

For recent information on MJ's world tour, check out the tour page at MJIFC



Tickets for MJ's first Sydney concert on the 14th November went on sale on 3rd October at 9:00am. By 10:30am they were sold out. Yes!!!. MJ sold 35,000 tickets in 90min. Due to the overwhelming demand, the promoters did the thinkable, and released the second concert for sale at 11:00am. These tickets were also gone like hot cakes!


MJ is having two concerts in Melbourne at the SCG on the 22th and 24th November. These tickets have also been sold out. MJ is having three concerts in Perth on the 30th November, 2nd and 4th December. These concerts are also sold out.


Silver tickets were around $65

Gold tickets were around $130

Though if you went through an agency a few weeks earlier, you were charged a slightly high price, though were also assured better seats, and escaping the bother of sleeping out for tickets.

UPDATED 13/2/97

For more detailed news updates, check out the MJIFC news page!

MJ attended Liz Taylor's birthday bash. For more info: click here

OK, it has now been confirmed: at just past 1am on Feburary 13th LA time, DB gave birth to a healthy baby boy. MJ has yet to annouce the name of the child though many believe that he named it Michael Jr. The couple splipped out the back door of the hospital in the early hours of the morning to escape photographers. MJ has now pleaded for privacy to protect his child from the public life he grew up in.

On the 13th of Febuary, 1997 (sydney time), it was reported that Debbie Rowe had checked into hospital. A few hours later it was then reported that DB had given brith to a baby boy, though close sources say that the baby has yet to be born. As we now drift into the night, I doubt that DB will be induced any time soon. Nothing else has yet to be confirmed. As soon as it is, yu can be sure that you wil see it here, or at the MJIFC news page!

On 27th of November, it was reported that DB now wants a divorce. So far no statement has been made by Michael's Company, though lets keep in mind that this story was generated by no other than "HARD COPY". A very realiabe source of course......NOT

As time passed, it was realised that this was no more than just a story, and lets remember MJ's words - "Unless you here it from my mouth, don't believe it". So lets follow that. It has been reported that DB has flown back to LA and MJ has carried on his tour to Tokyo. It was once again scrutinised that MJ and DB would be spending time apart, though please, can you really expect a pregnant women to go flying around the world, lets use our sence here!

Click here to see exclusive pics of the wedding!!!

On the night of there wedding, Friday 17th November, MJ attended a premier of his new movie GHOST. He arrived there with about a dozen of children from employees of the Sherton on the Park. On the way out, MJ was mobbed, and actually had to get down on his knees and scramble to safety.

COME ON GUYS.....If you love him so much, why do you do this to him?

Click on the link to the photos of the wedding and see pics of MJ and the kids that he went to the movies with, to see pics of them at his hotel that night. The short film was great by the way, you can really tell that MJ put a lot of hard work into it, and once again, it has all payed off...Good on you MJ...

There are many rumors about the wedding, and all I can say is that don't believe anything that you read. The only statement made by MJ's company was that the marriage did take place, and that no other comments would be made. So..dont believe anything else.

The photos showed that MJ wore the same clothes that he arrived back to the hotel in, and Debbie wore a plain black dress. The ring was silver with a huge diamond rock. Dont believe anything else, until it is confirmed by MJ. From a very good source I heard that MJ's people were originally looking for Pink Diamond on the day of the wedding, though they were very rare in Sydney at the time. From the look in the photos, it does not look like DB got her pink diamond. The fact that they were also searching for a ring that the last minute, I feel, resembles that this was a very last minute descion, though I am not implying anything, atleast not publically!

Thursday went off without a hitch, and so did Saturday. Though on Thurday evening something else was more important to the world media then MJ's performance. It was revealed at 6pm Sydney time that MJ was to marry Debbie Rowe just after midnight, and in the matter of about 3 hours, was all over the world, and the internet. Not many people actually saw DB in sydney, though photos were realised today that showed them getting married. Though DB seems happy, MJ had a less then thrilling look on his face, that one might actually wonder if he was happy about it. There was a photo of them, together, holding the married certificate, and not once did I see a smile on MJ's face. I am not implying anything, just stating what I saw.

Well..today MJ landed at Sydney airport. After some trouble since having to charter New Zealand Aeroplanes, as Sydney does not permit the noise level that his privatised jet would create, He finally landed. He was then taken to the "Sheraton On The Park" in what seemed to be some what like Tarago vans, Black. Outside the hotel were hundeds of fans waiting for him....GOOD ON YOU GUYS........He arrived there around 6:00pm <I THINK> and was then entertained by Aboriginal dancers. A group of about 10 five year old boys were also supposed to sing for him.

The weather for Wednesday is supposed to be around 30 degrees C, which is about 86 degrees F. That is really HOT, and I hope that MJ will be able to stand the heat..remember his last tour when he was severly de-hidrated...lets just hope that doesnt happen again!

I am currently working on an indept analysis of the concert, containing every little sound, move, and special effect. Please be patient though, it was a very long and complex concert.

If you would like to see what I have done so far, please feel free to! It is quite long, so I have cut down on the graphics so it loads faster!...please enjoy!

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