
Here you can find links to many great things to Download. Have fun, and please e-mail me if you have anything that you think I might be interested in adding to this list. For the time being, please enjoy.

Sony Screeners Desktop Themes WinAmp Skins Windows Startup Screens Games FTP Site

Sony Screeners

File/Description Size
The Black or White Screen saver 1.2Mb
The BAD Screener 1.2Mb
The BAD Screener 1.2Mb
The Thriller Screener 1.2Mb
The Childhood Screener 1.2Mb


Desktop Themes

File/Description Size
King Of Pop Desktop Theme Unknown
Michael Jackson Desktop Theme Unknown
MJ Icons Unknown


WinAmp Skins

File/Description Size
MJ Skin - 1 101Kb
MJ Skin - 2 39Kb
MJ Skin - 3 83Kb
MJ Skin - 4 112Kb


Windows 95 Startup Screens

Here are Windows 95 Startup and Shutdown screens that you can use to replace the boring current windows ones with MJ ones.

File/Description Size

Creations by Bhaven Bid -

Read Me File -This file gives you and overview of what they are and how to set them up
Once you have downloaded the 'ReadMe' File, and wish to proceed, download the rest of these files. You need ALL OF THEM. - Blood On The Dance Floor - 1 Unknown - Blood On The Dance Floor - 2 Unknown - Blood On The Dance Floor - 3 Unknown - From a concert Unknown - Smooth Criminal Unknown
- Moonwalker Unknown
lgmotion - Program to view the logos. Unknown

My Own Creations -

Readme.txt - This is the readme file the some startup AND shutdown screens that I have made myself. - Contains the startup screens Unknown - Contains the shutdown screens Unknown - This file contains the viewlogo.exe. Makesure you download it if you haven't already go it. Unknown


MJ Games

File/Description Size
Scream Game - This is a java based game on the game that MJ and JJ play in the scream video Unknown
Moonwalker Game - IBM Game based on the movie Moonwalker Unknown


FTP Site

An FTP site has been added to this site so you can download various files. As this site is run from my home computer, it might sometimes be a little slow, depending on the traffic. Ofcourse, if I am not on the net, it wont be up at all. Sorry...i just dont have the finance for the perm connection.

Both logins have "upload" directories where you can upload files that you wish to add to the site.

The Address of the Site is "". You can either use an FTP client to access it, or do it straight through your browser.
Once you first type in the name, it might take a couple of sections to find the machine, though it should be fine after that.

Due to high demand, the song, "Elizabeth, I Love You", that was performed at Elizabeth Taylor's Birthay in Febuary 1997, is now available from a permanent site. Also, a new song by Tatyana Ali called "DayDreamin' " has also been added to celebrate the release of this new single. Both of these files can be downloaded from the Geocities Link below.

Section Login/Pass
Various Movies and Avi files. movies
Various sound files, such as WAV, RA, AU. sound
Various Pictures Relating to MJ pictures

Please note, that the above links to not work with each web brower, especially IE4, though will work with any FTP program such as CuteFTP, using the IP address of "" and the appropriate login and password for the section you desire.

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