Debbie Rowe Interview #2

The following interview was on November 25, 1997 and was on the Channel 4 NBC News show. This is the same interviewer and show as her first interview

DR = Debbie Rowe Jackson
CH = Chuck Henry
KL = Kelly Lange (in studio)

Visual Description

KL: We finally get to see the Jackson 3 together. The mom Debbie Rowe Jackson, dad the King Of Pop of course, Michael Jackson, and his Prince, their son. Chuck Henry spent the day with the family at Jackson's Neverland Ranch, and he came back with a very special report. Chuck ...

CH: Thanks Kelly, Debbie Rowe Jackson invited us up to the Neverland Ranch because she wanted to put the rumors and the speculation to rest. She wanted us to see her son. She wanted to talk about life with Michael. She says that she never thought living in the spotlight would be so difficult.

(Chuck Henry & Debbie Rowe sitting together on the grounds of Neverland Ranch)

DR: I, I didn't think it was going to be this brutal, really...

CH: Debbie Rowe talking about the tabloids. I met the Jackson family this weekend at their ranch in Neverland. And I asked Debbie Rowe to once again set the record straight. The tabloid have characterized her as a joke or a freak for having Michael's son.

DR: It's very hurtful, even if it's a lie. And, I don't care what The Enquirer says. They're not truthful, they're not truthful, they don't go for the facts. They go for the sensationalism, they go for the story, they don't care who they hurt.

(Michael and Lisa Marie together in South Africa)

KL: Then there are the stories about Michael having an affair with his ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley. Like the weekend they appeared together in South Africa.

(Chuck Henry and Debbie Rowe talking again)

DR: Then I heard that same weekend that Michael had married Lisa in Johannesburg. So I waited for him to call me that night and I said, "Oh, Congratulations," and he said, "For what?" I said, "You and Lisa got married, it's wonderful." I said, "Wait a minute, that means you have two wives!"

(Michael, Prince, Debbie and Chuck walking together)

CH: How does the Lisa thing get so out of hand.

DR: I'm not sure, if it's they want to think that Michael's out having an affair, that he's not capable of having a friendship. You know that, maybe with most people you can't have a friendship or relationship with an ex-wife or friend of the opposite sex, because all of a sudden your sleeping together.

(Michael walking with Prince, then they sit down on the grass)

CH: You never worry about anything, like fidelity?

DR: No

CH: Cheating on you?

DR: No, no we have great communication. It's totally by my approval, they have a relationship, and what people don't understand is his relationship with her is separate from his relationship with me. They're friends, they're very good friends, and I would never, I would never tell him, "Oh, you can't see your friends." He would never tell me I can't see my friends. I am glad that they have a relationship together. I am glad to see them together, they have a lot in common.

(Michael and Prince playing)

DR: Now there's nothing Michael could do that would humiliate me. Nothing. My friendship with him is the most important thing to me, and if this marriage gets in the way of that friendship, then we'll put that marriage aside. But I want to go on as friends, that's more important to me then anything else, especially with having kids.

CH: Now in fairness we contacted The Enquirer about it's response, the executive editor of the paper claims that they were the first to break many stories about the Jackson's.

This is part 2 of the interview

KL: The Jackson 3. What is it like to live with Michael Jackson? What kind of a dad is he? And what is it like to be his wife? Debbie Rowe Jackson invited us to the Neverland Ranch in the Santa Ynez Valley, she answered those questions and for the first time she got the record straight about baby number two.

(Michael, Prince, Debbie and Chuck walking)

CH: This is where baby Prince is growing up, it's a place called Neverland. It's here that we captured pictures, for the first time ever, of mom, the King of Pop and his Prince.

(Debbie and Chuck)

DR: It's heaven, it's heaven and it's where he can get away and be a dad, and be a kid, with his kid.

CH: And, the kind of father Michael is..

DR: The best, look at him (Michael and Prince Playing). That's what it's all about, that is what all this is about. CH: When Michael is home, can you give me an idea of what his day is like, I mean as far as with his son.

DR: Well, whenever they baby's awake he's with the baby, the whole time. If the baby's napping that when he steals away to work, to write music, to dance.

(All walking)

CH: But pretty soon this dad won't be stealing away from only one baby. The Jackson family is growing.

CH: So you're expecting?

(Debbie and Chuck)

DR: Yes, a little girl in May. And we are going to name her Paris Michael Katherine. I wanted to name her Michael after Michael but Michael said no. So we decided Paris because that's where she was conceived.

CH: Yeah

DR: Michael, because I really want Michael's name in her name, and Katherine after his mom.

(Michael and Prince sitting in grass)

CH: And how does Michael feel about having a baby girl?

DR: He's picking out clothes already to dress her up. You know, he's, he loves kids.

(All Walking)

CH: When we first came out the door, he said, "Well wait a minute, I want to go back up and get some toys for him." For Prince, so he goes back up and he brings down this giant lollipop, or whatever it was.

DR: Yeah, like father like son, definitely has daddy's sweet tooth.

(Debbie and Chuck)

CH: So little Prince is going to have a little sister.

DR: Yes.

CH: How about after that?

(They laugh)

DR: Give me a minute, give me a minute, I'm getting old. I hope so, I hope we can have a lot of kids together. He's such a great dad.


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