
Here are transcipts from many of Michaels interviews. If there are any that you feel I should have available here, please e-mail me with them and I will put them on here. Not all are available yet, though will be in the near future. Anyways, I hope you like them.

Click on the flashing balls to access the interviews


TV Guide Interview (1999)
Prime Time Live Interview - With Lisa Marie Presley (1995)
Internet Simulchat Chat (1995)
Michael's Message from Neverland - December 1993
Ebony 92 Interview
Ebony 94 Interview
Brett Strong Interview on Entertainment Tonight in August '94
Oprah Interview (1993)
Molly Meldrom Interview (1997)
OK Magazine #1 (1997)
OK Magazine #2 (1997)
OK Magazine #3 (1997)
Debbie Rowe Interview (1997)
Debbie Rowe Interview #2 - November '97
20/20 Interview with Barbara Walters (1997)
MTV Interview with Bill Bellamy
VH1 Interview (1996)
Was Michael Jackson Framed?
Moonwalk - By MJ. Download the whole biography in Word 6.0 format.

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