In the second part of our sensational interview, Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe attack the rumours surrounding their marriage - and reveal hopes and dreams for their baby son's future...

Last week, we astonished the world with the first photos of Prince Michael Jackson Jnr. Now we continue our interview with his parents...

Michael, what are your hopes for Prince Michael Junior's future?
I want him to grow up surrounded by love and family, to recieve the best education I can provide him with, to discover and develop his talents, and to use his resources to make life better for those less fortunate than he.

Are your preventing Debbie from seeing the child?
No, that is completely false. We have been together as a family since the birth of our son, and we've cherished every moment as a family.

Michael, what has been your family's recation to the birth?
They are all very excited. I'm already getting lots of tips and advice about schools and such.

What sort of dad will you try to be?
The best! My father was always there for us through the stardom of the Jackson Five and through many of the ups and downs that followed. I, too, will always be there for my son. It's the most important thing in the world.

Debbie, what are your family's feelings about Michael?
They're crazy about him. They were delighted to discover how warm and genuine he is.

And how would you describe Michael's strengths as a father?
He's very patient and protective. He never rushes what he's doing with the baby. I was vey proud of how tough he was about our privacy. He's incredibly strong.

Michael, are you still close to your family? How often do you see your parents, brothers and sisters? Have they met your baby yet?
We talk and see each other all the time. We recently had a big 'get together' where all the cousins met one another for the first time.

We believe the child's godmother may be elizabeth taylor. What is it that draws you to Elizabeth? Many would call it unlikely friendship. What do you have in common?
Elizabeth knew many of the things I wen throught growing up in the spotlight. I can say a few words or just sigh sometimes, and she knows what I'm feeling. It was wonderful to find someone who understood me so well. I pray for her, and I want her to share the joy of my son's bith for many years to come.

What sort of gifts have you recieved for Prince Michael Junior?
We've recieved some fantastic gifts. Wonderful treasures, stuffed animals, toys and baby clothes from around the world. We would like to thake this opportunity to thank all my wonderful fans for helping to welcome our baby into the world.

Michael, what are Debbie's strengths as a mother?
Debbie is a very strong and caring woman. She's a wonderful mother!

Can we expect a song about your son on your new album?
The birth of my son has been very inspirational to me artistically, and there will definitely be a song in the future.

And one about Debbie, too?
Any song about my son has to be about Debbie as well.

Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe declined to answer the following questions:

1 There have been many stories circulating in the worl's media - some of the, allegedly, in Debbie's on words - that Debbie was paid to have this baby, and that she is now being prevented from seeing him. Did you, Michael, pay Debbie to conceive this child?
2 Debbie, there have been at least two extensive stories which quote you as saying that Michael has taken away your son and that allowing him to do so is the worst mistake you have ever made? What is your reaction to this? Are the stories true?
3 How will it feel, Michael, to live with a wife and young son?
4 To what extent has Debbie's love - and the arrival of your son - helped you to get over some of the unhappiness of the past few years?
5Michael, you could have had many women as your wife and the mother of your children - why is Debbie the one?


Even before Michael Jackson's baby was born on February 13 to Debbie Rowe, 37, OK! magazine was already in intense negotiations with Jackson's people to secure the first pictures of the child. And, after months of meticulous planning, dozens of phone calls and more twists and turns than even Michael Jackson, who's 38, can manage in a dance routine, OK! sealed the deal with the superstar after a bizarre 7.15am rendezvous in a hotel room in New York.
The intense security surrounding the first photographs taken of Michael and hisnew baby had made the last four days of the deal incredibly tense - OK! flew to Los angeles only to find that the pictures already been moved on to a secret location in New York.
But once in New York, the intrigue really began. In a Mission Impossible-like scenario, OK!'s executive in New York had originally been contacted at 10pm on a Monday to be told that the pictures would be released ä'befor daylight...'
He immediately booked himself on the following morning's Concorde - the only flight capable of getting him back to London in time to meet OK! magazine's deadlines. It was leaving New York's JFK airport at 8.45am.
At 4am, he was woken up to be told that the photographs could be collected at first light - from a safe at the United States building. A specially-,arked limousine would be sent to take him from his hotel to the UN, where the photographer himself would unlock the safe.
But at 6.25am, just as the executive was preparing to leave, the plans were suddenly changed. 'Michael's personal assistant will bring the pictures to your hotel,' we were told.
At 7.15am precisely, there was a knock at the door and Michael's man - an immaculately tailored six-footer in an ankle-length black overcoat - swept into the room. 'ID,' he snapped. OK!'s man produced his passport. Only the did Jackson's assistant draw a large box of photographs from the folds of his coat. the deal was on - but would we make the flight?
At 8am, as OK!'a car sped towards the airport, news came of a bad accident blocking traffic lanes to JFK. A quick call to Brittish Airways confirmed that if he could make it by 8.15am, our man could make the flight.
Seconds later, a call came through on the taxi driver's mobile. One more picture, missing from the box handed over earlier, would be given to OK! at the airport.
At 8.15am, our man leapt from the limo at JFK, was given the final photo and headed towards the Concorde terminal. The showbiz pictures of the decade were on their way to London...

End of article.

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