Internet Simulchat

Moderator (Speaker)
Glad you could make online HIStory with us tonight! We're live in New York City with the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Tonight's chat session will begin in about 5 minutes. Please submit your questions to Michael now.

Moderator (Speaker)
We're just about ready to go folks...

Moderator (Speaker)
Michael's here.... we're just about ready to go!!!!!

Brandon (Question)
I have been a longtime fan and I just want to know how, after all the bad press, you can keep going and doing the best job that any rock star can do? Is it the fact that you have such a wonderful wife supporting you, or are there other reasons that you stay so damned great?

Michael Jackson
Despite what the press says about celebrities and myself in general, I move ahead, I don't pay attention to that tabloid junk. I have my dreams. I'm a visionary. I feel as if I have a suit of armor around me, like a rhinocerus skin. Thank you for asking.

Brett (Question)
If you could be any super Batman, Superman, ect...whom would you choose to be and why?

Michael Jackson
I like Batman a lot. If I could choose one, I like Morph, from the X-Men. He constantly transforms himself. I think he can even teleport, which is interesting and exciting to me. He's not as popular as the others, but he's exciting.

Darkan (Question)
Are you ever going to tour America?

Michael Jackson
I'm not exactly sure, we kind of play it by ear, kind of spontaneous. It would be nice, but I'm not sure.

Brian (Question)
Is your new album doing as well as can be expected?

Michael Jackson
Yes, I'm very excited about how it's doing, because it's the fastest selling album so far in my career. In its first week, it's sold 7 million copies.

Spin Cycle
Michael, thanks for coming. What is your favorite song on your newest CD?

Michael Jackson
Probably Earth Song, Stranger in Moscow, Little Susie. I love songs with heart.

Jocelyn (Question)
When will the 3T album be in stores?

Michael Jackson
Gee! The 3T are expected around this Christmas. They're going to be very successful.

Bruce Ross (Question)
How has your marriage to Lisa Marie changed your life?

Michael Jackson
I think I find it more fun to appreciate with family more than anything else. You learn what the real meaning of love is, caring, giving a hundred percent of yourself all the time. So far it's been pretty joyous.

Jim (Question)
Do you wish you could walk into public places and not be recognized?

Michael Jackson
I have every disguise I can think of. My dream is to just go transform , so nobody would know who I am. I would love to do's my dream.

Ally W (Question)
Hi Michael. You have an amazing voice. Whose music has helped influence your music most?

Michael Jackson
Thank you for the compliment. I would, to be honest, my first love and appreciation for music was classical. In kindergarden, Tchaikovsky. The great writing of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, and many others.

Alan (Question)
In your interview with Diane Sawyer, you mentioned moving out of the country. Is this in your plans?

Michael Jackson
Yes it is.

Rros (Question)
Where is the most favorite place in the world that you have traveled to and where would you most like to travel to?

Michael Jackson
It probably would have to be between South America and Africa. Because Iove the people, and I love the culture. The plight of the children is very interesting and I would love to continue to travel, to see more things.

Gary (Question)
Gary would like to know what is the favorite song you have recorded, and do you still have your pet monkey named Bubbles who was shown in your video game?

Michael Jackson
If I had to pick one song, that's very difficult. Probably Ben, Got to Be There, one of the oldies. Bubbles is still alive and still my pet chimp. He's bigger, likes to eat a lot...lots of pizza, ice cream...he loves snacks!

MJJ (Question)
What else do you wish to accomplish in your life?

Michael Jackson
I love movies. My dream is to make films, not only to act in them, but to direct them as well. And I love animation.

SiBiS (Question)
In Oprah's, interview, you said that you wanted to raise a family one day..Do you plan to do so??

Michael Jackson
Yes, that's my dream for a long time. My own children, I want to adopt them. Not only my own, but children all over the world. I think we should be less territorial about it.

Curt (Question)
Did you like working with your sister Janet on the Scream video and your beautiful wife, Lisa Marie? PS--Best of luck to you to, and don't listen to all the bullshit going around.

Michael Jackson
That's a great question. The press creates all of these negative stores, so people will buy their magazines or read their columns. You mustn't believe everything you read. Most of it is not true, most of it is garbage. I'm closest to Janet of all the family members. We were very emotional on the set. We laughed, we cried, we had a lot of fun. Every day, she'd come to me, sad, because of something in the press. I told her she'd just have to become resilient. I had a lot of fun with Lisa Marie on the set. But when the director said "Action," she became very shy. I was giving her a little bit of a hard time, too!

blondie101 (Question)
What inspired you to write the song "Beat It"?

Michael Jackson
Quincy Jones, for the album Thriller, asked me to write a song with a rock edge to it. I said yes, I can do that. so the very same day, I went to the recording studio, and I literally just started to sing that song. The gestation process for Beat It was so fast, it was amazing. I thought about what I'd do in that situation, what I'd do, turn the other cheek. You don't want to create a war.

Brandon (Question)
I come from a large family. It is hard for you to see the animosity between your sister Latoya and yourself. You seem to be above all the petty gossip that others spread. I want to give you 2 thumbs up for your maturity.

Michael Jackson
Gee, thanks very much. I love you. Thank you.

Curvbal (Question)
Michael will there be a next album?

Michael Jackson
I'm not sure. This just might be the last album I'll ever do. I'm not positive. I'll always love music, but I'm not sure about doing another album.

Midway Gal (Question)
How did you get into music?

Michael Jackson
I don't think I can answer that without sounding philosophical. We never had music or dance lessons in our house, ever. We were a family that sang all the time. We watched television, we sang, we danced. We would take all the furniture out of the living room and dance. I think you're pretty much born with a gift. I remember making up songs when I was really little. We had a song writing game while we washed the dishes, while we were cleaning. I think most kids don't do that these days.

Ebeno (Question)
Did you come up with all of the ideas for your videos?

Michael Jackson
For Thriller, I wanted to do a short film that would take video to another level. A simple guy goes out on a date and confesses to her that he's different. I wanted to transform into different things. Beat It is another concept I came up with. Very West Side Story. I wanted real gang members, so it would come off with truism...and I think it came across.

Pelon (Question
What has been your proudest musical achievement?

Michael Jackson
It's really difficult to answer. I love all the songs, I feel guilty saying I like one over another. I'll never forget I was driving down the street once and she said pull over. Every radio station was playing We Are The World, and it brought tears to my eyes.

Farfly (Question
Will we see you in any old style videos and movies like Thriller and Moonwalker?

Michael Jackson
I love that, that's what I want to get back to doing. It's not just a video, with images and graphics. it's a short story, with a beginning, middle and end. But it takes sometimes 6 or 7 months to do those. But it's my dream to do that.

Michael Jackson I'd like to make this announcement: My nephews are here, and they want to sit in and listen!

Alaska (Question)
You seem to be interested in many cultures? Have you ever studied the north. I live in Inupiat eskimo village at the top of Alaska. Life is different here. If you ever visit here, the people might inspire you. Do you ever travel for inspiration?

Michael Jackson
Yes, I do travel for inspiration. I would love to come to Alaska some day. I've flown over it! I do love to travel. Maybe if you extend an invitation, I'd be able to come!

Frogbelly (Question)
In your song "Childhood" you sing about how you've never really known the joys of youth. What is the one thing you missed the most?

Michael Jackson
Probably the simple, little things that kids having a friend over, or going to the park, or even trick-or-treat, or Christmas, or a birthday. When we were little, we didn't have any of those things. We heard about them, but never did them. Most kids take it for granted. I haven't celebrated my birthday yet, but I think maybe I will!

BE Diva (Question)
Michael...I LOVE HIStory and think it's the best yet...when are you going to release the videos as a set?

Michael Jackson
Thanks for the compliment! I think this Christmas we're going to have a complete, up-to-date set on one volume.

AppleHead (Question)
It's one of AppleHead's friends here. Guess which one it is...I'll give you a hint: Family matters. What is your favorite song on the HIStory album? Tell Anthony hello and to call AppleHead.

Michael Jackson
I know exactly who that is! My favorite song is, gee it's hard...probably Childhood, Earth Song, and Stranger in Moscow. Tell the others I said hello!

Mr Potter (Question)
Do you ever wish you could play small rooms with intimate audiences instead of mega-productions?

Michael Jackson
Yes. I think that is the mark of a true performer, to be able to reach any audience around the world, any size. If you can directly relate to a small group, magic starts to happen. I started out playing those kinds of concerts. This Christmas, I'm doing an HBO special, and it is intimate. It's close-up. It will allow me to do a lot of things I've never done before.

Sam (Question)
A story in the UK press claims a quickie divorce on the way. Is it true?

Michael Jackson
Never believe the tabloid garbage. Don't waste your time, don't waste your money. No, it's not true. If you hear it from my lips, then you can believe it. But no, it's not true.

Omar (Question)
What is your process from creating a rhythm on your human voice box to the album version such as in songs "Who Is It" and "Tabloid Junkie"?

Michael Jackson
The process is creating a vocal rhythm to a click track, a timed beat. And you're doing those rhythms to a beat. These can be looped. If it's Billie Jean, it's the drums that start the song. Every song I've written, I've done it that way.

Smurfetty (Question)
I love you and have enjoyed your music since I could see and here. I admire you. How do you keep going when the media makes everything 10 times harder?

Michael Jackson
Thanks, I appreciate it. I believe in my work, like I said before. I have great confidence inmy dreams. When I have a great idea, nothing can shake my will. Even though the media creates such negative stories, they do it to sell more papers. I'm not trying to put myself in the same category as some other famous people, but it's been done to them, too....Kennedy, Ghandi, even Christ. And I don't want to hear any press stories tomorrow saying that I said I was like Christ!

Daniel (Question)
If you could meet someone dead or alive, and talk with them for an hour, who would it be, and why? PS--Rock on with your Bad self!!!

Michael Jackson
It would probably be Michelangelo, because he was a phenomenal artist. I think I understand what he was trying to say, even though he was criticized. He was a true artist. He even dissected cadavers, which was illegal at the time, because he wanted to get everything anatomically correct. I would have loved to sit and talk with him.

Tristene (Question)
Who is your best friend?

Michael Jackson
Pretty much the same as I've said...the children of the world...for their innocence, their simplicity, and their love. It's the same kind of innocence that I find in animals. They just want you for your love, and I love that.

Al and Meg (Question)
What was it that inspired you to become involved in helping as many children as you do? We think what you do is just wonderful.

Michael Jackson
I truly care about children, and about the future for our children. I'm a little frightened about what the future is going to bring. I truly, truly love them and care about them. I will always help them. When I go on tour, I visit hospitals, terminally ill children. At my ranch at Neverland, we have many terminally ill children as our guests. We do this every few weeks. You do it because you truly love them and you care.

David (Question)
It is rumoured, and I know you hate that word, that you are doing another book. Do you plan to do another book? If so, what will contain?

Michael Jackson
I wrote a book called Dancing the Dream. It was more autobiographical than Moonwalker, which I did with Mrs. Onassis. I don't think people paid much attention to it, but it came from my heart. It was essays, thoughts, things that I've thought about while on tour. I'm not planning to write another book anytime soon. If you want to know how I to feel, you can check out HIStory.

Gemseeker (Question
When & how did you learn to moonwalk? I think it's sooooo cool! :)

Michael Jackson
Thank you sooo-o-o much! I've always loved illusion dancing, where you can create an illusion with the body. There's a new step on working on called Skywalk, I've been working on it. I love to create these body illusions. Most of the steps come from my heart

James (Question)
What advice you would give someone in a similar position with bad things from the press? My little sister lost her Miss Virginia crown.

Michael Jackson
You don't pay attention to it. You become strong, you move ahead. The best advice I can give is to believe in yourself, know there's a tomorrow, walk tall...don't pay attention to the's complete ignorance.

MsMittens (Question)
Oh, before I forget, someone who couldn't access chat, asked me to ask you how are you doing, and why are doing this simulchat tonight?

Michael Jackson
I'm fine, doing alright. (laughs) I'm doing this simulchat because I love my fans, and I want to talk with you! I think this is incredible technology, just amazing, and I think we're pioneering here! Can I say hello to a couple of my friends? Hello, Lisa Marie...Hello, Paul McCartney...Hello, Mrs. Disney...Hello to my friends in Gary, Indiana...I can't think of a good joke to say......I want to say I love all of you, all of my fans. Remember, please don't listen to all the garbage that you hear.

Vanish (Question)
How you feel about technology like the internet, and it's effect on society?

Michael Jackson
I think it's just wonderful, and just the tip of the iceberg. In the coming year, we'll see some amazing leaps in technology. I just pray that we continue to serve the world with it in a positive way. I think it's wonderful

Dan (Question)
How involved are you with the other groups on your MJJ label?

Michael Jackson
I'm listening to tapes, collaborating on the phone, picking artists and recommending ideas. Like I said before, the new 3T album, which I just heard, is wonderful. I believe it's going to be a big success.

Michael Jackson
I just want to say hello to Bill Bellamy in Los Angeles: Hello, Bill, and thank you!

Michael Jackson
Good night everybody. Keep the faith. I love you. Talk to you soon. Bye!

Moderator (Speaker)
Our thanks to Michael Jackson for a great chat tonight. We really enjoyed having you here, Michael. Hope you had as much fun as we did!

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