Whats New?

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30/11/99 - The recent TV Guide Interview has been added to the Transcripts Page.

27/11/98 - A Search Engine has been added to the site. It is CGI based, so no extra plugins are neccessary, and It will search the WHOLE SITE for you.

26/11/98 - An Awards Section has been added to the site, to include an award that our site has recently won. Please visit the page for more details.

26/9/98 - The Downloads page has been updated with some WinAmp Skins. These can be used to change the apperance of your WinAmp program, to give it an MJ theme.

6/9/98 - The Downloads page has been updated to feature the song 'Elizabeth, I Love You', and the new release by Tatyana Ali (a new addition to MJs label), "DayDeamin' ", on permanent sites.

15/7/98 - A Minimum Requirements Page was added to enable users to know exactly what browsers and plugins are needed for the site.

13/7/98 - A new quiz for July was added to the Quiz section. Make sure you submits your results to "The Moonwalker", though please only submit once. I appologise for the lack of updates, though I am running out of ideas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, whether it be images, sounds, or multimedia, please inform me.

2/6/98 - A new quiz for June has been added to the Quiz section. Remember, its a competition, so make sure you submit your results to "The Moonwalker", though please only submit it once.

23/5/98 - The song, "Elizabeth, I Love You", that was performed at Elizabeth Taylor's Birthay in February 1997, is now available from on the FTP Site. Check the Downloads Page for the address of the FTP site.

3/5/98 - The transcript of Michael's Message from Neverland in December 1993 has been added to the Transcripts page.

1/5/98 - A new quiz for May has been added to The Moonwalker. It is now a competition for who can get a perfect score of 10 in the least amount of tries. So be sure to be in the race.....

1/4/98 - A Quiz Section has been added to the site. Why not jump over and check test your MJ knownledge? If you have any questions that you think would be good to include, please E-mail Me.

30/3/98 - The Prince Birthday Page has been renamed to a Prince Time line. This will have pictures from Prince's Birth until present day. The most recent additions have been pictures of Prince with MJ in Germany.

11/3/98 - The Transcripts section has been updated with an Interview with Brett Strong that was actually done in August '94 with Entertainment tonight concerning MJ's and Lisa Marie's relationship.

7/3/98 - The Java version has been updated. The Applet that was once the heading in the top frame has been replaced by a shockwave flash animation that is identical. This has been done because Java applets took so much longer to download aswell as stall your machine a little while the java started. This particular shockwave needs the shockwave flash 2.0 plugin that can be found from www.macromedia.com. If you dont have this plugin, the normal image will appear in its place.

6/3/98 - The Downloads Page has been updated since Moonwalker now has a permanent IP address at "moonwalker.dyn.ml.org". This will help people trying to access the FTP Site. A new section has also been added to the FTP site called "pictures", where you can download various picture files from the site.

5/3/98 - The Lyrics section has been updated, with more of Michaels Singles, aswell as Jackson5 Singles, and Jacksons Albums.

4/3/98 - Two more Win95 Startup Screens were added to the Downloads Page

21/2/98 - The Article named "Was Michael Jackson Framed?" Published in GQ magazine was added to the Transcripts Page.

14/2/98 - An FTP site containing numerous movie and sound files was added to the Downloads Page.

12/2/98 - A Prince Michael Jackson Page was added.

17/1/98 - The Transcripts Page was updated with the Ebony 92 interview and Ebony 94 Interview.

4/1/98 - The Multimedia Page was updated extensively updated including many new sections.

1/1/98 - A Downloads Page was added where you can download various screensavers, themes and startup screens of MJ.

30/11/97 - Pictures of MJ and Prince in Life Magazine were added to the gallery on page 11 and page 12

29/11/97 - Parts 1 and 2 of Debbie's interview was added to the transcripts page.

15/11/97 - A Message Board was Added to the site.

12/10/97 - An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section was added to the site was added to the site.

21/9/97 - Pictures of MJ in Concert added to the Gallery on Page 10

20/9/97 - Pictures of Prince added the the Gallery on page 9

19/9/97 - New sound files added the the MultiMedia Page

18/9/97 - Added 20/20 Interview to the transcripts page

17/9/97 - The BOTDF animation was replaced by an animation of MJ in concert

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